A birthday gift

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Chiron only stared at the Nemean Lion pelt that I put on the table in front of him, while Mr. D look bored as usual. Chiron let out a small sigh as he finally looked at me, he gave me small smile as he pushed the pelt towards me.

"You deserved it" he said "You killed the Lion and that pelt is yours"

I only raised my eyebrow at him "Really? Well, I thought you're going to take it away from me and put it in the attic along with your 'dead' oracle"

"You deserved it, you kill the Lion by yourself after all" Chiron said and gave me a proud smile.

I blushed slightly as I rubbed the back of my neck, then I remembered my encounter with Luke and I decided to tell Chiron about it.

"Chiron, maybe you already knew this, but..."my eyes trailed to the pelt in front of me "Luke attacked me not too long after I killed the Lion. He wanted the pelt for himself"

Chiron gave me a look, a disbelieved and a worried one "I see, so I guess he never gave up about made you join his side"

I shook my head quickly "No, this time he seemed hated me, he wanted to kill me" I licked my dry lips "He said that he hated me because Kronos favor me than him. Because I am Kronos favorite, and Kronos wanted me to join his rank as his vessel"

Chiron shared a look with Mr. D who looked slightly interested, Mr. D put his diet coke can on the table as he leaned forward. He rested his elbow on the table and he closed his purple eyes, and for the first time in my life, I saw Mr. D thinking hard over something. He looked so focused and I'm afraid that he will burst a vein or something.

"Reiner" Mr. D finally spoke, in serious tone and he didn't misspell my name "Are you sure? About Kronos wanted you as a vessel?"

I avoided Mr. D purple eyes "Yeah, he told me before, last summer when we went to fetch the fleece"

Mr. D raised his eyebrow "Then?"

"Luke caught up with us, but I managed to send Clarisse back with the fleece. And then, Luke brought me, Annabeth, Percy and Tyson to his cruise ship" I retold the story "He brought us to a big room, and I-I saw a gold coffin on that room. After that-"I stopped momentarily and looked at Mr. D eyes "Kronos spoke to me, he spoke to me from my mind. He convinced me to join his army, he wanted me as his vessel and he told me he will give me anything I wanted if I agree to be his vessel"

"I see" Mr. D leaned back to his chair as he took his coke can "I think I probably know why Luke wanted the pelt for himself"

I looked at the pelt in front of me, if I get it right Luke needed to bathe in River Styx to be Kronos vessel, so why he needed the pelt? The pelt is not enough after all, to contain Kronos power inside of him.

"Do you know what happened if you bathe in the river of Styx while you wearing the pelt, boy?" Mr.D asked in dark tone.

"Sir, I don't-" Chiron started to protest.

Mr. D raised his right hand and Chiron didn't finish his sentences.

"Let the kid know, what's coming for him" Mr. D said "As much as I hated to say it, this kid might be could stop Kronos from raising. Last time I went for the annual meeting, Apollo said he couldn't see this brat future at all, as if something obstruct his future, even the oracle didn't have anything for him." Mr. D explained "Athena said something like that could be our weapon to kill Kronos once and for all. But, this brat also could destroy us if he wanted too, after all we didn't know his future or anything about him aside from he is Apollo and Hades kid"

"Are you saying the Gods wanted him to kill Kronos?" Chiron asked

"I never said that" Mr. D grunted "You can't kill a Titan, but you can made sure he will never come back here or made sure that he will having a hard time regenerate"

Reborn In Percy Jackson World! The Titan CurseWhere stories live. Discover now