Frustration and Anger

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I yawned as I stepped out of the train, the sun already set a couple of hours ago and as a replacement the moon shone brightly above me, illuminating the street in front of me. I breathed out as I scanned the almost empty street in front of me. Snow piling up at the side of the road, and it was cold as hell, even with my coat and thick clothing, I could still feel the cold air. I looked around and found a homeless man who sat near a drum that had a fire in it. I didn't know how should I felt when I saw the homeless man, should I be glad or afraid that right at this moment, because that homeless man is my father, Apollo. I exhaled quietly as I walked towards the homeless man, I heard a couple of foot step behind me, I took a quick glanced behind me and saw the rest of the group followed me. The homeless man gave me a huge grin and I could saw a row of perfectly white teeth, despite the dirty and messy appearance. I sat in front of him and almost glad because of the warmth from the fire in front of me.

"Thank you for the fire" I mumbled as I sat in front of the fire

"It's okay," the homeless man said and smiled warmly at me "It's always good to have some company"

"We should call the camp," Bianca said while her teeth chattering "We need to inform-"

"No," Zoe said in a stern tone "We have to finish this ourselves"

"Sir" I said quickly "Do you have any idea about a train that headed west from here?"

I ignored the wide eyes looks from Percy and Grover, while the homeless man studied my expression carefully. Then he pointed his greasy hand at a train that had a SUN WEST LINE written on the side. I quickly muttered thank you as I stood up and dusted my jeans from any snow that stick on it.

"You are not alone, you know that right?"

I stopped moving when I heard that warm and kind tone, I turned around only to found that the spot already empty along with the fire inside the drum.

"What did he say?" Percy asked.

I felt a strange sensation swelling inside my chest, some kind of warmth and dread mixed into one. Did Apollo knew the fact that a part of Kronos already inhabited inside me? I quickly shook my head as I jogged towards one of the train cars, I climbed into one of the cars while helped the other so they can climb into the car before the train moved (of course Zoe and Bianca refused it). I heard the train sound its horn before it started to move again. I saw a couple of expensive sport car lined up nicely inside the train car where we are. I smiled a little when I saw a sleek silver BMW not too far from me, I always dreamt to buy that car and impressed Clara with it. A memory already resurface inside my mind, a memories when I managed to pass the driver test and got my driver license in Germany. I took Clara for a drive around our campus in my new car that I bought with my savings, and she was so glad that I was able to get my driver's license after my fifth attempt.

"You are amazing you know that," Clara said to me while pecking my cheek "Stubborn and never give up on something that you wanted"

I only laughed while rubbed the back of my neck "Well, I always wanted this" I looked at her beautiful brown eyes "I want to impress you with my driving ability. Also, I always wanted to drive around the city with you"

Clara smiled sweetly as she put one of her hands on my cheek "You know that I will love you no matter what right? Even though you always fail the driving test, I will always be there for you, and support you"

I leaned forward and put my hand behind her head, I put my forehead into hers. She closed her eyes while giggling softly, I inhaled her sweet scent and closed my eyes, enjoying her warmth and scent.

"I promise I will never leave you" I whispered "No matter what happened"

"And I will always be there for you" she whispered back "No matter what happened I will always support you"

I felt a soft tap on my shoulder brought me back to reality, I turned and found Grover watching me with worried looks. Looks like I'm spacing out for a moment there, I sent him a small smile while I walked into the BMW, opened the door and sat on the driver seat. I touched the driving wheel gingerly and ran my finger into it, Clara would love this car so much. If only I able to bought it, if only my life didn't get rip away in such cruel way. Unconsciously I gripped the driving wheel so hard that my knuckled went white, did my family still grieving about me?


I turned around and found Thalia already sat on the passenger seat, she gave me worried looks. I exhaled quietly as I leaned on my own chair and stared at the view in front of me.

"Are you okay?" she asked me "You looked a little off since that incident"

"I'm fine" I said.

"I just wanted to help," she said again this time.

"Thalia," I said and turned to face her "I'm fine really, it's just I have a lot of things going on in my mind"

"Would you mind telling me?" she asked me "Maybe I can help you sort that thought"

I hesitated for a moment then shook my head "It's nothing important"

Thalia looked hurt for a moment, and I felt guilty. But, I don't want to involve her into my problem, her life already messed up, and I didn't want to add my problem into her. Beside she could get hurt if I involved her into this mess. Percy is already gone deep enough, and I already asked him to do the impossible thing, to kill me if Kronos take over my body. I don't want Thalia to go through that thing too. 

"Why won't you trust me?" Thalia asked with a hint of anger on her tone "I trusted you, why won't you trust me?!"

"It's not about trust," I said and sighed miserably "I did it because I-"

"Percy" she cut me off "You trust Percy, but you didn't trust me?"

I blinked at her "Thalia, it's not about trust!"

"Then what is it about?!" she yelled at me, I caught frustration in her voice and anger.

"I don't want you to get hurt!" I yelled back at her and slammed my fist into the driving wheel "My life if a giant ball of fucked up! I don't want you to get too involved with me! You don't know what happened to me before you arrive!"

Thalia grabbed my collar as she pulled me closer "Then tell me about it!"

A flash of memories of Clara saying that she will be at my side no matter what happened resurfaced on my mind.

"If I tell you" I lowered my head "You will hate me for the rest of your life, you will see me as an enemy"

"What?" Thalia blinked at my words "You know that I will never able to hate you. You are my friend! You're important to me! No matter what happened I won't leave you behind"

"I can't tell you," I said and my voice started to crack a bit "Not now, not when you see me as-"

I almost choke on my words "I can't hurt you again" I said in a low tone "I just can't"

"What are you talking about?" Thalia loosened her grip on my collar.

"Please get out," I said and tried my best to hold back a sob.

"Reiner, I-"

"GET OUT!" I yelled and Thalia complied this time.

After she closed the door, I slammed both of my fists into the steering wheel, tears already polling in the corner of my eyes. I choked on my own breath as I rested my forehead on the steering wheel, the tears finally fell, slowly.

"Clara" I sobbed quietly "What should I do?"

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