Welcome to Hoover Dam, where You can Find friendly God dan Enemies

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"Any idea, how we get up there?" Thalia asked.

"Well, there must be some maintenance stair around here," I said and scanned my surrounding "And there is it"

All of them began to follow me as I made my way up the stair, behind me Percy, Grover and Thalia began to spout some random facts about the Hoover Dam that they learn from Annabeth. I only smiled a little at that, since Annabeth did that to me too when we hang out back in the camp. Flashes of memories of Annabeth holding the sky bothered me a little, I knew that at this point Artemis is the one who held the sky, but that thought didn't make me breathe a little easier. It only made me more anxious about what will happen on Mt. Tamalpais, and I prevented Bianca's death. But, I just defied the prophecy directly, and what will happen to me or Bianca? The Fates clearly stated that there will be consequences for my action.  

"Reiner!" a feminine voice called me loudly and grabbed my arm.

I stopped rather abruptly and turned around only to face Thalia, her electric blue eyes searched my face for a moment before they stopped at mine.

"You looked off" she spoke in a worried tone "Since you got off with Zoe from the canoe"

I hesitated for a moment "I'm sorry. It's just, I'm a bit tired you know, after all the excitement. I can't rest"

Thalia nodded her head and turned to Percy and the rest of the group "I think we need a few moments to rest a bit"

Then she turned and spoke to Zoe, Zoe looked about to protest but she eventually agreed with Thalia. We walked a bit before Thalia stopped and stared at a pair of a bronze statues that looks like Oscar statues with wings.

"Do you believe in the myth?" I said and chuckled "They said if you rubbed the statue toe it could bring you good luck"

Thalia looked at me with confused looks "What?"

"A gift from Athena for Zeus after the dam was built," I said again.

"How did you know that fact?" Thalia asked.

I glanced at her "Well, you're not the only one that Annabeth talked about this kind of thing you know"

"Ah, I see" Thalia muttered then she cleared her throat "There's a snack bar at the visitor center, we can rest there for a moment and maybe buy some food"

"Yeah about time," I said and rubbed the back of my neck "I need some damn food"

Thalia chuckled "Well, I might need a dam toilet"

Grover snickered "Well, let's take a dam photo for a commemorative"

Bianca giggled at Grover's remark "No, I prefer to eat first. Where's the dam snack bar again?"

Zoe stared at us with confused looks "What are thou talking about?"

Percy raised one of his eyebrows "We just talk about the whole dam thing"

Zoe scoffed as she fixed her backpack strap "Whatever, I'm hungry. Let's find something to eat at the dam snack bar"

All of us laughed at Zoe remark, but Percy and I stopped laughing when we heard a faint 'Moo' sound from somewhere. Even Grover stopped walking and began to look around the area, his eyebrow scrunched up as he sniffed the air.

"I hear a cow mooing just now," Grover said carefully.

"Really?" I asked in a skeptical tone "A cow? In a dam? What a dam cow?"

Grover slapped my shoulder "It's not funny. I did hear a cow"

I pushed Grover's shoulder forward "Maybe you're hungry and you imagine a cow"

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