Letting Your Dark Thought Wins

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I quickly pulled my  pendant and a bow appeared in my hand along with a quiver full of arrows on my back. After entering the right  combination for an explosive arrow, I pulled an arrow and aimed at one of  the Gryphon, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to steady my hand  so I can aim better. I opened my eyes quickly while aimed at the Gryphon  that landed on a display that hung in the air, I released the arrow and  it hit the Gryphon on its side. The monster roared in anger and I  quickly pushed the button again. The arrow exploded and shatter all the  building windows, the Gryphon was already gone and the display came crashing  down to the lower floor, the alarm blaring throughout the building.

"Are Thee lost thou mind?!" Zoe screamed at me.

"No," I said while I pulled another arrow "I'm perfectly sane"

"You just blew a bomb inside here!" Thalia yelled at me "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

I released another arrow and it hit the other Gryphon.

"It's the only way!" I yelled back "Since you are unable to kill it!"

I  pushed the button again and another explosion could be heard inside the  building, killing the Gryphon instantly. Zoe gave me disgusted looks, but I  caught a hint of fear in her eyes.

"Thou...thou are monster," she said.

I  chuckled a bit and tilted my head to the side "Oh, really? I'm a  monster just because I helped you, or because I'm better at you" I  taunted her.

"Reiner" Thalia whispered "You...this isn't you!" she grabbed my arm and forced me to face her "The hell is wrong with you?!"

I looked at her electric blue eyes and Thalia took a sharp breath, she took a step back while her hand covered her mouth.

"Your eyes" she muttered loud enough for me to hear her.

"My eyes?" I asked her "What about it?"

I lowered my bow and quickly pulled my silver bracelet to see my own reflection on the blade. I saw a couple of specks of gold scatter on my blue irises.

"Kronos" I whispered lowly "How?"

'Your anger' Kronos spoke inside my mind 'And I already possess you, after I have been exposed to your blood and that encounter'

My  mind began to wonder about my last summer when I saw Kronos's coffin for the  first time, that the first time Kronos spoke to me. Before that he did visit me once in my dream, you know the day before Luke almost kill  me. And now he is able to control my action?

'No,  I'm not controlling it' he said and chuckled 'Your mind is a frail thing  boy when humans are in anger they are unable to think clearly. Just one push  and the mind can tell the body to do the worst thing ever. I just  whispered the thing you just did and you did it exactly as I wanted'

I growled under my breath. That goddamn Titan using my anger that blinded my reasonable judgement?!

'If  you wonder why your eyes had that speckle of gold' I felt Kronos smirk 'You unconsciously channelled my power boy. You must be  wondering how in the world you are able to use my power? Well, a tiny part  of me has already inhabited your body since that day when I spoke inside your  mind for the first time. When you black out, I stopped the time for a  moment inside the ship and made Luke plant a little of my  consciousness inside of you'

So, Kronos did have  a little power even though he didn't have a body, and some part of his  body was still scattered throughout the Tartarus, I thought. That Gryphon  was a very agile and fast beast, aimed at it will be a hard job for even  me and The Hunters, but somehow by some pure luck, I was able to hit them  perfectly where I wanted. My hand began to tremble a bit, fuck, did  Kronos really affect me that much? And I admit, my thought wasn't  exactly the same as a few years ago, after they separated me from my  mom and trained me insanely, I began to doubt everything. My existence,  my power and my purpose.

I knew not too long  ago I promise myself that I will protect this world and everything in  it, and I'm able to let my past go. Right now? I'm not so sure anymore. I  did still questioned how the fuck I was stranded in here? And how the  fuck that the Fates gave me all this power that made everyone became  afraid of me, even Zeus himself so keen on blasting me into bits. My  head began to pound painfully and I quickly closed my eyes. No, no, no, I  repeated. I couldn't have this dark thought, I can't let Kronos' power  influence me again, since I already learned that Luke already planted  some of Kronos' consciousness inside me. Because if I kept doing that,  Kronos will able fully control me.

"Reiner!" a masculine voice spoke to me "Snap out of it! Speak to me god damn it!" 

My  eyes snapped open and I was already face-to-face with Percy, his right hand  gripped my wrist and he already lowered it. I blinked slowly as I tried  to bring my focus back to him, Percy looked extremely worried at me.

"We  have to get out from here" I spoke slowly "I-I-" I glanced at Thalia  who still looked at me equally worried like Percy "Goddamnit!" I yelled  and lowered my head.

Percy loosened his grip on my wrist and I pulled it from his hand. I quickly turned my back  and hauled my body over the railing and jumped into the first floor,  ignoring the petrified looks from my quest mate.

Reborn In Percy Jackson World! The Titan CurseWhere stories live. Discover now