I take a dip at river styx

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I didn't know what the fuck is going on as Aphrodite dressed me up in a suit and a tie. He even tidied up my usually messy hair. I touched the collar of my shirt and pulling it slightly, so I can created a breathing room for my neck. When that didn't help, I quickly unbitten the top button of my white shirt and loosed up my tie a bit, and I didn't bother to button up my black blazer. I mean, I'm just going to take a bathe in the river Styx, so why the formal clothes.

"OH, my. You looked gorgeous" Aphrodite appeared in some kind of pinkish dress that hugged her body perfectly.

I tried my best to keep my eyes on her face and not to trail into her body or the dress. Which is very very hard, since the dress really showed her curve perfectly and the way she walked towards me., it's just too much for me and my 14 years old boy hormones. She will be the dead of me someday, I'm sure of it. Fuck, even my heart just wanted to leap out from my chest and went straight to her.

"You looked..." I'm not even sure if I spoke properly "....stunning" I settled with that word, yeah, because I didn't know what kind of words that I can use to describe her right now.

Maybe some of you will think that I'm too cheap and way too easy. But, imagine if you are on my shoe. The goddess of love herself, a very VERY beautiful woman, willingly to get close to you, went out on a date with you, and liked you, what will you do huh?! As man! Yes, I wanted her as bad as the men from the rest of the world wanted her! You can't blame me! I'm a man after all! And yes, if I saw an available beautiful young woman I will go for her!

"Let's go" she said as she wrapped her left arm into my right arm "I don't want to make Persephone wait"

"Wait, who?!" I asked her in bewilderment tone.

"Duh, Persephone. Hades wife" Aphrodite rolled her eyes "She asked me to come and join her little party."

"You mean, there will be other gods there?" I asked her more.

"Nah, just a few minor goddess" Aphrodite said and began to tidy my hair more "Relax, they won't kill you. As long as you stay close to me, you will be all right"

Then before I could say anything, she teleported me right in front of the DOA studio. I almost threw up at that point, seeing that she teleported without saying anything to me or warned me about it. She practically dragged me into the studio, passed a baffled Charon and straight into the elevator, she didn't even care about the longing looks from the spirit around her.

"Charon" Aphrodite snapped her finger impatiently "Don't just stand there with your mouth hang open, we have business with the Queen of the Underworld herself"

Charon nodded slowly as he started to escort us to the elevator, shoved some spirit away from our way and sometimes gave me a confused and jealous glances. When we arrived at the River Styx and I only could stared at it, a lot of things started to run through my mind. It is hurt to take a bath there? From the book I read that it was a very painful experience, it's like your skin melted from your body and the water began to bring your consciousness away from your mind, and it can kill you instantly if you are not strong enough. And I had to think of something that tie me into this world in order to survive. But, that's the normal way and I'm about to do it in abnormal way. I glanced at Aphrodite, especially her purse that contain the Nemean Lion pelt, don't ask me how it did fit inside her purse. I didn't know how it felt when you did it with Nemea Lion pelt wrapped around you, did I had to think a part of my body as a lifeline for me? The fact that no one ever done that, or they didn't bother to write about it, it made me even more nervous. How's it fell when the Nemean Lion pelt started to melt into your own skin?

"We're here" Aphrodite voice brought me back into reality.

I blinked and looked around, we already arrived at Hades Palace front gate, how the hell we got here so fast? Didn't we have to walk past through Cerberus, the punishment field, entrance of Tartarus to get here? Then I felt slight tug on my hand, I looked down and found that Aphrodite hand already held my own hand. She basically dragged me all the way here, and surprisingly I didn't trip over something.

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