Welcome To the Winter Camp

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After they have gone the atmosphere became more bearable, I can still feel the tension in the air but it's not as suffocating as before. I quickly headed towards my own cabin to take a break, I'm still tired as fuck, and the ride from the West Over to here was stressful. I need a quick nap and a hot shower preferably. But a hand tugged my jacket sleeves, and I have to stop walking, I turned and saw Nico holding my sleeves with worried looks on his face.

"Where I suppose to go?" he asked me timidly "I-I barely know anyone in here"

I rubbed the back of my neck while turning to face Nico fully, almost forgetting that he needed to meet Chiron and Mr. D before he will be placed at Cabin 11, Hermes cabin. I quickly took his hand and escort him to the big house, Nico obediently followed me and didn't ask where I'm taking him. When we arrived at the Big House Chiron stood on the porch, facing Mr. D who looked bored, as usual.

"Chiron" I called politely "Mr. D"

Both of them quickly acknowledge me and gave me questioning looks about Nico who now hid behind me, clearly didn't like being watched by two of them.

"This is Nico di Angelo," I said with a formal tone "He's a demigod along with his sister, Bianca di Angelo"

Chiron arched his eyebrow "Siblings? Well, where's the other one?"

"She already joined Artemis' Hunter" I answered and sighed "So, yeah she will be traveling with her when Lady Artemis is back"

Chiron gave Nico sympathetic looks while Mr. D didn't even care what happened.

"Do you know his parent?" Chiron asked, "I mean their godly parent?"

I had to bite back my tongue because Hades name almost slipped from my mouth. I shook my head slowly as Chiron let out a long sigh.

"Another one unclaimed demigod" Chiron said miserably "Cabin 11 then"

Nico peeked his head from the side of my back and he examined Chiron closely.

"Are those real horse bodies?" he asked in amazement.

Chiron smiled as he took a step closer to me "Yes my child. I'm very much real"

"Are you the real centaur?" Nico asked again.

Chiron nodded again before Nico finally took a step away from my back and now fully facing Chiron with sparkle on his black eyes.

"Whoa! This is so cool!" he said giddily "Can I ride on your back?"

I chuckled at Nico's innocent question and at Chiron's expression, while Mr. D didn't look amused at all. After a few moments of Nico gawking at Chiron and Mr. D, someone from Cabin 11 came and escort Nico to the cabin. When he's out of vision, a hand landed on my shoulder and squeezed it slightly.

"He felt familiar," Chiron said.

I tried my best to look natural as I turned to face the exhausted Centaur. Chiron studied my expression as if trying to find some answer about our situation.

"I'm sorry," I said and Chiron sighed even deeper "I can't save Annabeth"

Chiron's tail twitched slightly "It's not your fault, Reiner. What Annabeth did, was brave and smart. She knew what she have to do to save you"

I quickly balled up my finger into a fist and tightened it hard "It should have been me" I whispered "They want me"

Chiron tightened his grip on my shoulder "It will be more dangerous if they have you" Chiron studied my eyes "After what you did last two days ago"

I quickly avoided his gaze "You knew" I whispered softly.

"Reiner, you looked different," Chiron said "And the fact that I heard from Percy that you survive a full-blown of Dr. Thorn tail on your face"

"I hope you understand why I did it," I said in a stern tone "You of all of the people know why I did it"

Chiron took a sharp breath before he put a hand on my head "I know no matter how hard I forbid you from doing that, you will be doing it eventually. You just as stubborn as both of your godly parents" he laughed bitterly "But, one thing you must understand, you walking on a thin ice Reiner. One wrong move and Zeus will kill you"

"Bah, I hope my father smite him now," Mr. D said in a bored tone "He's nothing but trouble, I don't even understand why Athena agreed to let the brat live. And even some of us agreed that the boy must live"

"So, can I take a guess that you're one of the councils that agreed to kill me?" I asked in a cold tone.

"Of course," Mr. D said in a bored tone "One less brat for me to take care off if you're gone"

I had to swallow all the insults that were already at the tip of my tongue, Mr. D of course will vote to kill me, not because I'm dangerous, but because he hated his job as the Head of the Camp. At least that thought gave me slight ease to the already dire situation.

"I want you to keep it a secret," Chiron said in a demanding tone "Just do your best to hide it"

"I will do my best" I answered honestly.

Chiron ruffled my hair as he sighed slowly "And promise me one thing"

I looked at him with curiosity.

"Please take care of Percy and Thalia," he said in a solemn tone "After Annabeth went missing, the tension between both of them grew steadily as we speak. Just prevent them killing each other"

"Are you sure, throwing Hades' kid, between Poseidon and Zeus kid dispute is a good idea?" I asked in a surprised tone "I mean, aren't we like a sworn enemy or something?"

Chiron's lips twitched a bit at my question "I'm 100% sure. And my reason is, that both of them listened to you. And with you around at least one of them will be focusing on you, and not at each other"

I blinked as I pout at him "What if they decided to drown me or smite me with a lightning bolt?! That shit could kill me you know, with the curse or not! Because last time I check, drowning and electrocution can fucking kill you, and what If I get hit by both of them?! You gotta be fucking kidding me!"

A smack on my head quickly shut me, I mentally groaned when I just realized that I just curse multiple times in front of Chiron. I grumbled as I fished a couple of dollars while Chiron entered the Big House just to retrieve my swear jar.

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