Apology and Another Promise from Me

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I opened my eyes slowly and wiped them with my sleeves as I looked around. I'm still in the car and looks like I fell asleep with my forehead on the steering wheel. I groaned as I massaged my neck which started to feel sore, because of my sleeping position.

"Good morning son"

I literally jumped from my position and banged my head into the car roof, a string of curses escaped my lips as I massaged my head. I turned and found the same homeless man leaning back into the passenger seat, Apollo.

"Dad" I muttered.

"Rough day?" he asked me in a playful manner.

"You can say that," I said while leaning back on my chair.

Apollo glanced at me "Why are you always fighting by yourself?" he asked me.

I froze at his words.

"You're not alone, you know that right?" he said again "You don't have to do everything by yourself. Sometimes you can lean on someone else"

I rubbed my neck "It's not like that. I just can't see them suffer because of me"

"Ah, your fatal flaw" Apollo said sadly "You care and love your friend too much, that you are willing to suffer just for them. That you chose to carry your burden alone than share it, afraid that it will hurt them. You always trying so hard to make everyone around you felt love, safe and happy, without a single care about yourself"

I just stared at my lap quietly as Apollo sighed deeply.

"You also never able to let go of them whom you cared the most"

I lifted up my head and saw Apollo with confused looks.

"What?" I questioned him.

"Your life" he muttered "Your old life"

My eyes widened as I turned to face him "How did you-?" I grabbed Apollo's arm and shook his body "You know about it?!"

"I already say too much," he said sadly "I hope you can forgive me in the end. I did that because I loved you and your mother"

After that, I felt that my hand are getting hotter and Apollo's body started to glow brightly. I quickly let my hand go and closed my eyes, as the light got brighter every second and Apollo showed his true form. After the light died out, I opened my eyes and saw that the passenger seat was already empty, but I can still feel the warmth on that side.

"What the hell?" I muttered, "What the fuck is going on in here?"

I sighed as I opened the car door and stepped out of the car, morning sun started to climb the sky and gave a warm orange hue through the metal curtain that was already being opened by Zoe. I breathed the fresh morning air, hoping that this new day could erase the uneasy feeling that I had since the incident in the Smithsonian.

"Reiner" I heard Thalia call me.

She looked at her hands before sighing tiredly "I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to push you like that"

I smiled slightly and ruffled her hair "It's okay Thalia, I mean, I have to apologize to you too. I yelled at you and kicked you out"

"I do trust you" I added and Thalia looked up at me "But, I just need more time. I need time to think the whole thing through, and sort everything out" I smiled at her "When the time comes I will tell you everything, okay?"

She smiled back at me as she pushed my chest playfully "Dumbass, you don't have to tell me that. I will wait for your explanation damnit, so, take your time. Because I will be there when you're ready. I will help you as much as I can, because...." She cleared her throat as a blush started to coat her cheek "...you always help me and you're very important to me"

I quickly looked away as I blushed. Damnit! Why did this thing have to happen between us? I mean Thalia is great and all, but I'm not ready to cross that line. I'm still unable to forget Clara, I know that I will never be able to see her again, but the memories, our memories together for 3 years still etched into my mind. It's not that easy for me to forget Clara, maybe this thing will be easy if I am reborn into this world without my previous memories. Maybe I can give this thing a chance.

Also, one more thing is why I'm not ready to start over. Kronos already inhabited me, I'm afraid that someday when Kronos fully took control of my body, I will hurt her, and I couldn't imagine that thing. I didn't want to hurt her, so yeah, for now maybe it's best if we keep going like this, I know that this may sound selfish and cruel, but believe me, this is for the best, for both of us.

"Thank you," I said and ran my hand through my hair.

Thalia chuckled before she nodded at me and she turned around and walked toward Percy. I sighed deeply as I stared at the sky, I started to curse Aphrodite for this thing that happened between me and Thalia. Let's just hope, she wouldn't make anything more complicated than this or add another one into this mess. Then I heard a footstep and someone stopped right at my side, I glanced at saw Grover staring at the beautiful view in front of us as he smiled at the scenery.

"Hey, Grover" I greeted him "Sleep well?"

"Not so much" he answered "You?"

"Fell asleep on the steering wheel," I said and started to massage my stiff neck "And now my neck is still suffering from that"

Grover laughed a little at my remark, then suddenly he faced me with serious looks.

"Last time I saw Thalia like that, it was a long time ago, when we on run with Luke," said Grover.

I tilted my head a bit "What do you mean?"

Grover laughed lightly as he shook his head "I can read emotion remember? Thalia clearly likes you and she already warmed up to you" then he smiled sadly "She looked so sad when she learn Luke betray us when he's first changed" then he continued "Please, don't leave her or hurt her again. Her emotion is quite unstable after she learns of Luke's betrayal for the first time and she started to deny it. She wouldn't believe it until she see it with her own eyes"

My mouth went dry when Grover said that. I can't promise anything like that.

"I'll try my best" I said slowly "I can't promise anything, but I will try my best to not hurt her feelings"

Grover gave me a small smile "Thank you, Reiner. You really are kind and considerate"

After that Grover decided to talk to Zoe about something, while I just watch the sky getting brighter every second. When the train stopped, all of us decided to jump and walked away from the train track and headed into the nearby town. The town is still empty, maybe because it's still morning and it's cold as hell. I felt lucky because the sunlight started to warm me a little bit, and the cold didn't affect me that much.

"Lucky you," Percy said through gritted teeth "Being the son of Apollo and all. The cold never bothers you"

I smirked at him "It bothers me, but not as much as you Seaweed Brain"

Percy glared at me "Airhead" he said loudly while sticking his tongue at me.

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