When I was Younger 03

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Amane Suzuya - Age Five

Waiting. It seemed as if I'd been doing nothing but that recently. For the sun to rise, for Touya to come back, to meet that old guy's kid, for the sun to set so I can sleep.

Too much waiting for one little kid.

Not that I mind though, Mama used to say all good things come to those who wait.

So I shall wait FOREVER!

Wait. No, that's too boring...

A foggy morning's air finally begun to clear up, mist evaporating up and away from me to reveal a humid, windless day, which I was sure would be filled with nothing but... more waiting.

Still, the sun's out so...

"I can finally catch a tan!" I grinned out, rushing out of the tunnel as fast as I could, scraping my knee along the way. That little yellow tunnel, as uncomfortable is it was in there, I'd found a sense of home in it over the past sixteen days, I was grateful I'd chose to come to this park of all places.

I planted myself back onto the grass, spreading my limbs as I faced the sun, closing my eyes sharply and trying to suck in the nutrients of this cloudless day. Truly, I was just trying to make myself look more presentable for the next time I saw Touya.

The next time he came here, I'd at least be looking a little healthi—

Wait, is he even coming back?

My eyes immediately snapped wide open. I felt my heart beginning to pick up its pace in dread.

"Did he say he was coming back?" I mumbled against my own lips, sitting up in a panic as I came to realise that perhaps I'd never see him again.

Or did I just make that up?

No! He has to come back.

I have his shirt, he'll want that back, right?

My internal panic was spiralling and I hastily get to my feet, beginning to stomp back and forth across the meadow. I didn't know what to do, it wasn't as if I could seek him out, I wasn't even sure where this park was. He could be anywhere, and I just had to stay here, and wait for a boy that might never return.

What if I never see him again?!

My hands clawed up at my hair, until I found myself sighing over and over again. I stopped in my panicked pacing, suddenly letting myself fall back onto the grass with a thud.

I stared up at the sky. I'd be disappointed to never hear his laugh again, or see his smile, or his eyes. I'd like for him to tell me another story, or tease me. I'd just really like to see him.

My eyes shut once more, a furrow of distance coming to my brow. There was nothing I could do, nothing but lay here and pout. And that's exactly what I did.

For as long as I liked, simply laid against still damp blades of grass, suffering from a longing that I couldn't bring a stop to.

It didn't take long for this silent session of lying with my eyes closed, to suddenly push me into a sleep. In the edge of tipping off into a blissful dream, I suddenly felt a shiver run down my spine.

I felt cold, despite the sun that once casted down over me, it was as if something was blocking that burning ball of light away from me, covering me in a haven of chilling shadow.

Hesitantly, I cranked open one of my eyes. My vision adjusted for a moment, until I see the grinning face of someone I'd been ever so impatiently waiting upon.

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