Chapter 28

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Training Camp - Age Sixteen

As Class 1-A sit idly around the dining table, they dig into their food. Except for me, of course.

I sit, bored with my head in my hands next to Mina and Asui. "I wanna see the boys room!" Mina announces.

Why the fuck would you wanna see that?

I raise a brow at her odd desire. "Can we get a look after dinner?" She asks the boys. "Sure! Come on over." Kaminari responds.

"Don't expect this pampering to continue! It's for today only- so eat your fill now!" Mandalay instructs the class who nod whilst scoffing food hastily into their mouths.

"Ah, Kota. Can you haul those veggies for me?" Mandalay asks, he sighs in response before stomping over to do as asked.

"Hmph." Struggles the boy as he attempts to lift up the box. I glance over to him, the corners of my lips twitching up into a smile at the sight of him failing so hard.

Heh, weak little thing.

I reluctantly lift my head from my hands. "I got it-" I call out to him, issuing telekinesis to move the box of vegetables swiftly to Mandalay, who smiles thankfully at me.

Kota stares at me wide eyed, almost as though the realisation that I really can do anything is finally settling in. He walks up to me covertly. I pretend as though I can't see him sneaking his way over-

Kota's hand silently tugs at the bottom of my shirt. This catches the attention of everyone on the table as they hadn't seen him be so... normal yet. I turn down to him, my brow raising in curiosity.

He beckons me closer with his hand so he can whisper something to me, I oblige, bringing my head down to him.

"Can I have another present after you've finished eating?" He mutters quietly, I stifle a laugh at the greediness of the kid.

Guess he hasn't noticed that I'm not eating.

The other members of the table stare at me in anticipation, desperate to know what the boy had asked. I nod down to him with a thumbs up. He glares at the other students sat around me before stomping off.

"So? What'd he say?!" Mina questions, confused as to why I'm the only exception to his animosity. I smirk to myself, opting not to respond. The table groans to themselves at my resilience.

Once everyone had finished eating, they make their way to the bath houses. I pass Kota and secretly hand him a few toys I'd made for him.

They're probably too outdated for him to appreciate but... it was the best I could think of.

He stares at my passing figure with wide eyes. The boy seems to be confused as to why he's actually starting to like me. He surely believes that I'm exactly the same as the other wannabe heroes. And don't be mistaken, I am. But there's a part of Kota that gravitates towards me. Perhaps, he determined, it's because I had given him gifts and actually spoke to him like an adult.

The boy's brows furrow as he loses sight of my passing figure. He nods to himself, marching to take his position upon the wall dividing the bath houses. Thoroughly determined to protect me from the wandering eyes of the boys.

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