Chapter 08

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U.S.J Incident - Age Sixteen

"Your lesson in the Foundational Skill of Heroics will be a trial of rescue. This will take place at the USJ." Aizawa announces to the group of teens all situated in their seats.

USJ? I have no clue what that is.

Rather than dwell on that fact, I zone out, not bothering to listen as I probably won't be granted the chance to partake anyway.

I'm getting into this whole school thing, I'll admit. Not to the point where I'll listen or understand anything, just that I don't want to die every time I wake up anymore.

Our teacher announces that we have the option to change into our costumes or remain in the schools training kit. The suit Aizawa designed for me has longer sleeves, so I'll go with that.

I change isolated from the others as usual- after which I step outside to meet Ochako who had waited outside for me. "You excited?" She questions as we make our way to the rest of the class.

I turn to her before shrugging. "I don't think Aizawa will even let me use my quirk." I comment, unintentionally bringing her mood down slightly.

I take notice of this and immediately spew out anything to keep her happy. "I'm sure they will though- it'll be fun, there might even be heroes there!" I attempt to cheer her up. She brightens at the thought of heroes being there, I sigh a breath of relief.

I thought she didn't want to be my friend anymore for a second there...

I can't help but notice how childish my thoughts are, almost as though my mind from when I was young had overwhelmed any rational thinking I've developed since then.

Why do I always beg for people to be my friend...?

My brows furrow at the thought as we reach the other class members. Ochako bounces over to Izuku as I shake my head to eliminate my thoughts. "Deku? Why are you wearing your PE clothes?" She ponders to the green haired boy.

"You saw it after the combat training. It was kinda trashed. I'm still waiting on the support company to fix it up." Midoriya responds.

I can't help but snort out a laugh at the reminder. "I almost forgot Bakugou nearly blew you up." I mutter, to which the boy rubs the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Gather around, Class 1‐A!" Iida instructs whilst blowing a whistle.

When did he get a whistle?

"Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently!" The glasses sporting boy insists. My lip twitches up into a smile at his authoritative tone as I breathe out a small laugh.

"Iida's kicking it into high gear as our class rep, huh?" Izuku comments. "Tell me about it." I reply jokingly. Ochako steps onto the bus, giggling once she realises that the layout of the bus opposes Iida's seating plan entirely.

I take a seat on the cold leather seat and face the window, naïvely expecting Ochako to join me. A few seconds of anticipation bubble in my stomach as I think of the conversations her and I might have on this trip. We can get closer, share gossip or whatever girl friends are supposed to do.

I feel the conjoined seats dip at the arrival of another person, a grin reaches my lips as I turn to face her—

Only to see Bakugou. My smile drops, my happiness along with it- oh, and any hope for a good day crumbles away too. I scan the bus for any sign of Ochako, and as I find her, sitting a few seats back, without me... she sends me a determined smile and a thumbs up, almost as though she'd plotted this in some way.

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