Chapter 21

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         Hosu Incident - Age Sixteen

I barely wake up the next morning, my eyes open for a mere second, until the weight of the world suddenly crashes down on top of me, my stomach burns as I slam my eyes closed once more, fastening my lips together and swallowing thickly.

I won't puke from a hangover, but I can feel the way my stomach acid has merged with the taste of straight alcohol... It's horrific, like a burning pain finding its way into every crevice my body has to offer.

I can swear my head just split in half as I reluctantly force my eyes open, drowsy balls of sight crane up to the white ceiling I'm laid beneath.

"Ho... ly... fuck..." I wince, the crust built up in my caruncle almost blinding me as I glance to my right, trying to gather my bearings.

Five seconds of halfhearted panic ensue as I attempt to figure out where I am.

Oh, it's... the thing... with the other thing and the stuff...


The internship. That's what I'm trying to get at.

I cough to myself, rubbing at my eyes harshly to alleviate the pain shooting into them as a hiccup bounces up through my throat. I sniff, shuffling up the bed I'm snugly laying in, I don't bother to wonder how I got so comfortable, nor why one of my socks is damp.   

My hand weakly slumps onto the table beside my bed, my palm slamming around the surface until I feel my phone in my grasp.

My eyes squint as I bring the device up to my face, the light expels from the screen as it switches on, displaying the notifications to me.

'42 missed calls from Aizawa'
'104 unread messages from Mina'
'5 unread messages from Katsuki'

My eyes immediately shoot wide open as I force myself to sit up straight.



"... Fuck me."

I slam my fingers onto Mina's messages first, too afraid to call Aizawa back. I can't face the consequences of my actions if I don't know how bad they are. I swipe onto Ashido's contact, finding myself met with a video.

... Huh?

I furrow my brows, clicking the link in curiosity. My head tilts as the video begins.

Blurry, like it had been taken in a hurry. This isn't anything to worry about, it's just someone filming their shoes...

... Again. Huh?

And it's then, at my second round of confusion, that my questions are answered. It's Hawks' face that I see first, as the video flips upwards to a crowded scene, dimly lit flashes bouncing around the room. But I can see him, clear as day. The number three hero, grinning to himself as some girl keeps staggering into him, clearly mumbling some bullshi-


My heart dares to fall out of my ass, my breath catching in my throat as I barely allow the video to continue playing out, the sight alone causes my entire body to cramp up.

... Suicide.

That's the only option.

First, we try jumping out
the window. If it doesn't work—

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