Chapter 47

636 27 52

Amane Suzuya

Wonder what it would feel like to have All Might's quirk... to have One for All...

I want it-

I want One For All...

My vision goes blurry as flashes of multicoloured lights shine behind my eyes. I feel each of my limbs tingling as my heart rate picks up. I glance down to my body, only to see that nothing had changed physically... did it work or?

Honestly, I expected to become suddenly buff. But no, still the same, pathetic body.

I crack my neck, recovering from the paralysis that the land-whale forced onto me. I run over to Todoroki and Inasa who were still arguing. Using a quirk like All Might's to push me up from the ground, it leaves a crater where my foot once rested.

I charge to the two boys "STOP FUCKING ARGUING AND FIGHT!!!!" I yell to them. They were too engaged in their own issues to see the bigger picture.

Both boy's eyes widen at this, "Where were we?" Gang Orca grumbles out, his voice managing to echo through the whole arena.

I pierce through Gang Orcas ultrasonic attack, already knowing the damage it could do, I had activated a rewind quirk on myself before flinging into action.

I crank back an arm before sending it towards him. "Eh?" He sounds out in confusion, I can't help but chuckle at his change in tone before sending a fist barrelling towards him, he jumps out of the way- my punch only meeting contact with his shoulder. Despite this, Gang Orca still gets sent barrelling back.

I pant, peering down to my now completely broken arm.

Oh... that's how it feels...


I hop from foot to foot while clutching my bruised arm. Todoroki and Inasa had now managed to settle their differences and work together thanks to my inspiring words. "Stop fucking arguing and fight"... definitely won't be written about in the history books.

I grit my teeth while healing my arm. "Izuku. I pity you." I seethe out, clasping and unclasping my hand to make sure it's properly healed. Okay, all good.

That was stupid of me. I don't want One For All... that shit sucks ass.

Gang Orca had now risen to his feet, sending attacks to the others who were attempting to fight back. The rest of the class were fighting off the other assailants with all their might.

The attack that Todoroki and Inasa sent to him had managed to halt him for a small while, but he managed to counter attack while defending himself— "WELL?! WHAT NOW?!" Gang Orca bellows.

Damn, for a hero he sure is scary.

Deku attempts to send a kick to him as the Orca makes his way to Todoroki and Inasa. "Get away from them!!" He screams while smashing a leg towards the enemy who blocks it easily with his forearm.

"Holy shit, he's strong, huh?" I speak before narrowing my eyes at the Orca. I teleport in front of him, Deku's eyes widen at my unexpected appearance.

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