Chapter 7

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Captain Townsend was still at the helm with Marty and Dax telling them where to go. Every time they made a slight mistake he would yell at them.

 "What are you doing! you're going to take us into the wrong territory." Captain Townsend yelled as he pushed Marty away from the helm, and directed to right path to Tortuga. I thought this was going to be a long journey

 "There, now just keep going straight and don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." Captain Townsend said harshly to Marty.

 "Aye, captain." I was just enjoying the beautiful scenery of the ocean and the amazing breeze. This reminded me of when I went on voyages with father I always really enjoyed them.

"Miss, Lockhart come with me." Captain Townsend said ushering me to follow him. I followed him below the deck where all of crew sleeps. He then opened an old chest.

 "Take your pick." There were many baldric's, swords and guns in it. "You want me to pick what?" Captain Townsend then smirked

 "A sword you said you knew how to use one." Why was he letting me pick a sword I wondered. "Why do I need one?" Captain Townsend looked at me as if I were stupid. 

"You will need to protect yourself somehow, since you already know how to use a sword this makes it easier for you." He did have a point we were going to a pirates island and I needed to be prepared for battle.

 "Here take this." He handed me a gun, "why are you giving this to me?" you need to keep something on you." I wondered why he didn't give me a sword instead.

"You're not getting a sword yet because it's too risky." What did he mean by that? "Are you afraid I might win in a fight against you," I said to Townsend jokingly. 

"No, you're attire is not proper, and you wouldn't beat me." He snapped back right away. "What's wrong with my attire?" I didn't see anything wrong with what I was wearing.

 "You won't be able to fight in the attire you're wearing" he may just have a point. "You can keep what you're wearing for now. Just stay close and you won't need a weapon."

 He then walked back up deck and I followed him. "Why would I need a sword, or a gun to protect me anyways, I thought I am only to guide you through the journey as your map."

"Yes, indeed Miss Lockhart, but we probably got the Royal Navy trying to find us we might loose them for now, but who knows when we will encounter them."

 I didn't want to admit it, but he was right. Knowing Admiral Williams he will send out as many ships as he needs to get what he wants, and he's not really happy about a pirate stealing "his map." 

He will stop at nothing to get that ring. "Aren't they following us right now?" We were on our way to a pirate island. Would that really stop him though? "No, we are taking the routes that they don't know, and they won't step foot on Tortuga, so we'll be safe for now at least."

"How do you know they won't?" How could we possibly be safe. I wondered if I am even safe. "Would you step on an island where there are a bunch of pirates who hate you, and are ready to take you out?" 

There he goes again trying to prove his point, I rolled my eyes.  "Well, no of course not." He smirked "There you go there's your answer."

 Why did he always have to play games why couldn't he just tell me. "Captain, we'll be there by nightfall." Marty let Captain Townsend know. "Ye, good eye Marty, I'll take the helm for now on." Captain Townsend responded to Marty sounding happy.

 "Aye, Captain." I sat down on the steps near the helm and looked at the map. "Marty, Dax do any of you happen to have a compass?" I asked them both of them as I thought it would be a good idea to kill time by studying the map.

"Ye, Miss I got a compass." Dax said as he handed me his compass. "Thank you, Dax I'll keeping this for now if that's ok." Dax bowed as if I was some kind of royalty. "Ye, Miss that's quite alright." I laughed at Dax as I thought he was very funny for doing that.

 "Stop begin silly you buffoon." Marty said to Dax. I just realized that this was the first time I had laughed in a few days. Father always used to make me laugh during voyages to kill the time as he never wanted me to bored since I was the only Lady on a ship.

 "Is Captain Townsend always this serious?" I asked Marty and Dax in a whispering voice. "Aye, Miss for as long as we knew him, He always seems mad even when he ain't." That must be hard I thought. "Ye, that be true, but since you've arrived we've seen a sudden change in his behavior." Whatever did they mean? he seemed like he was just very cold.

"Change? really? he's been nothing, but rude and cold towards me." They both looked at each other and laughed. 

"He be that way to everyone Miss, but that don't mean he ain't a good Captain." Hmm well maybe I judged him to fast I guess. I will see more as the journey continues. 

"We noticed that he has been smiling a whole lot, more than usual." The sun started to go down. "He has?" 

"Ye, Miss that's why we think you've been the greatest addition to this ship. "At first I had not liked them, but they are kind of growing on me. 

"You, boys are very funny, I'm going to study this map now thank you for answering my questions." This time they both bowed and walked away. I just laughed at them both. 

I looked at the map studied it, and looked at the compass to tell which way we would have to go. Before I knew it was sunset I then felt a little a little drowsy. I didn't know it, But I then ended up drifting off.

"Miss, Miss." I hears two voices say. "wake up Miss, we are here." I woke up the sun had now fully gone down. I saw Marty and Dax standing in front of me.

 "She's up Captain." they both screamed. I noticed a coat around my shoulders I wondered who's coat it was. "Welcome back Miss, Lockhart." Captain Townsend then walked towards me and took the coat that was around my shoulders.

"let's get going." I hid the compass, and map inside my dress and got up. Captain Townsend, Marty, Dax and I took the longboats to get the the shore of Tortuga. Marty and Dax were in one. Captain Townsend and I were on the other.

 I noticed Captain Townsend was wearing the coat that was around my shoulders. I thought he must've been the one who put his coat around my shoulders to keep me warm while I slept. 

I thought that was a kind and unusual thing for him to do, even though I didn't know him well he just didn't seem like someone who would do that. I looked at waves as he was rowing the boat.

We then came to a stop as we had reached Tortuga. "Welcome to Tortuga Miss, Lockhart. 

We then saw Mary and Dax make it behind us. "Ah, Tortuga!" they both said enthusiastically. Captain Townsend then started walking I walked beside him as I had no idea where I was going, and did not want to get lost.

 As we were walking I saw many drunk pirates walking, yelling, just having a good time and begin utterly stupid. "Bloody pirates" I whispered annoyingly to myself. 

We then entered a bar and sat a table. "Dax, Marty, ye mates know what to do" they both smiled "aye captain." Captain Townsend went to go get a drink, rum to be more specific.

 "Would, you like some rum, dear." He asked me with a smile. I thought he must have been out of it. "No thank you" 

 "alright suit yer self, mate." As Captain Townsend drank rum I saw Dax And Marty trying to recruit pirates to join Townsend's crew.

As I was looking around I just saw pirates acting like pirates. I was not surprised at all, all they did was drink, sing, and just play around. Captain Townsend then got up to go see how much progress Marty and Dax were doing. 

"Stay here Lockhart, I mean it don't move." He said to me before walking away. As if I would go anywhere, where did he think I would go?

 I was on a foreign island. I decided to just take out the compass Dax gave to me and just play around with it. 

That's when I noticed that something, or someone was blocking my light. I looked up to see who it was blocking my light. 

There he was I almost didn't recognize him, but there he was standing in front of me. I couldn't believe my eyes it was Philip.

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