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Your eyes slowly fluttered open you woke up in a familiar room and a familiar futon. You were home.

The four to your room slid open and Rai stood there in the doorway "Get up now, it's past noon. Here eat these" Rai said as she walked into the room and handed you a bowl containing all sorts of fruit such as strawberries, blueberries, strawberries and cut-up apples.

"Thank you," you said as you took the bowl from her hands and began to eat the variety of fruits, while Rai took her to leave.

"Raspberries..." you mumbled as you stared down at the raspberry on your hand. "Wasnt I supposed to be somewhere?" you mumbled as you tried to look through your memories but found nothing.

'It must have been a dream... A very long dream' you thought as you put the bowl aside and got up out of your futon, rolling it up and putting it against the wall and soon went off to find Rai and your grandmother.

And soon enough you found your grandmother sitting alone on the engawa "Good morning" you said as you went to take a seat beside her "Don't you mean 'Good afternoon" your grandma smirked.

"Yeah," you said with a nervous chuckle as you rubbed the back of your head.

"Huh" your grandma groaned as she eyed you closely "what is it?" You asked. "Would you like to know more about the keeper?" Your grandma asked.

'So sudden' you thought "sure" you responded "The keeper was once immortal" your grandma spoke out. "What? How so?" You asked.

"Before the curse was placed on the keeper, the keeper was able to live forever but it was tradition to pass it down once they turned the age of thirty and I'm sure that's why the keeper now dies at that age," your grandma said.

"So, they would just pass down their opportunity to live forever, to experience death, they gave up their opportunity to see the world and travel to a lot of unknown places?" You questioned, quite confused on why someone would give up such an opportunity.

"Because would you want to see beautiful places without the ones you love?" Your grandma responded a quiet gasp left your mouth "I didn't think of it that way" you mumbled.

"Of course you didn't" your grandma laughed.

"The keepers of the past have never failed their duty to protect the flower" your grandma spoke out.

"Wouldn't it be hard to be the keeper? What if someone else were to want the power of the flower for themselves?" You asked. "Well, the thing is you cannot deceive the keeper the keeper will always know if someone speaks the truth or a lie. Whether it be by scent, someone's actions or the change in someone's noises, the keeper will always know the truth" your grandma replied.

"Are you ready" a familiar voice spoke out, you and your grandma turned around to see Rai standing not too far away. "Ready? Ready for what?" You asked.

"You didn't tell her?" Rai scoffed as she placed a hand onto her forehead "oh, I thought you told her when you went to wake her up" your grandma chuckled.

"We're going to go pick some more berries since I gave you the last of them" Rai spoke out "huh?! Why'd you give me the rest of them? The two of you should have split them" you whined, feeling quite guilty that you ate the last of the berries.

Soon enough both you and Rai left your home and sent off to the garden, following the trail that lead to it. "Here's your basket," Rai said as she handed you a basket "Thank you," you said as you retrieved the item from her hands.

"We're not leaving until our baskets are filled, alright?" Rai said, "Got it!" You replied, the two of you began to pick various fruits and soon enough your baskets were filled.

"Let's head back," Rai said "Wait!" You yelled, remember something "Remember the cliff mom and dad took us to when we were younger? It's around here isn't it?" You asked.

"Yeah, yeah it is. Do you want to see it?" Rai asked "Yes! Do you remember where it is?" You asked "Yeah, come on" Rai replied, you followed Rai as she leads you down various paths and soon enough the two of you arrived at the cliff your parents had taken you to when you were a mere child.

The two of you stood in silence admiring the view "Hey Rai" you spoke out "hmm" she responded, "Do you love me?" You asked, unsure why you asked.

Rai was quite shocked by the question, why now and why so sudden?

"No" Rai responded.

"Your lying" you mumbled out, your words leaving her speechless, unsure how to respond. 'Rai is lying... Rai is lying? She lied to me and I knew it... How did I know?' You thought.

"Well, the thing is you cannot deceive the keeper the keeper will always know if someone speaks the truth or a lie. Whether it be by scent, someone's actions or the change in someone's noises, the keeper will always know the truth" your grandma replied.

Your grandma's words suddenly crossed your mind 'Raspberries, the train...'

"You cannot deceive the keeper" you mumbled "That's right, Y/n. It was a lie" Rai said as she took you in for a hug "And that's why I did everything that I did and will do" Rai said as she pushed you off the cliff.

Everything felt slow, your life flashing before your eyes. The wind flowing through your hair as you fell through the sky. 'Am I going to die?' You thought as you inches closer and closer to the ground, a splat was heard and everything went dark.

"Gaaah" You screamed out as you quickly sat up, you were back on the train. You held your chest tight and your breathing was heavy.

You turned your head around, looking at your surroundings everyone was sleeping but Tanjiro and Nezuko. Nezuko stood beside Inosuke burning what seemed to be a rope and Tanjiro was gone. Rengoku was standing with his hands ringed around a girl's neck.

A male stood in front of you with a rope tied to yours and his wrist, you untied the room and threw it onto the ground.

"What the hell is happening" you muttered as you jumped up and tried to pry Rengoku's fingers off the girl's neck, it was difficult but you completed your goal of prying the male's fingers off of the girl "mhhmh" you turned around to see Nezuko with her hands up.

She reached out her arms as if she was trying to grab something "the rope? You were burning it, right" you asked "mhmh" she responded "right, can't talk to you" you mumbled with a deadpanned expression.

You kicked the back of Rengoku's legs and sat him down and placing the girl onto the seat next to him and Nezuko wasted no time and began to burn the rope.

"I'm going to go check out the rest of the train," you said as you ran down the aisles of the train, each cart you had passed, not a single passenger was awake. 'This is without a doubt the work of a demon' you thought.

You heard sludgy noises coming towards you and without hesitation, you unsheathed your katana and struck at what was coming at you. "What is this" you mumbled as you kicked the ball of sludge, the slimy noises were heard from all around you, the slimy, sludge had appeared all over.

You were able to pull out your katana with ease this time because nobody was standing or in your way like before. Of course, you were without a doubt going to strike someone's seat but not the person themselves unless they decide to move.

You continued to strike at the dislocated pieced of flesh coming at you "Y/n!" Rengoku said as he suddenly appeared in front of you "huh" you groaned "You are to go and assist Inosuke and Tanjiro in defeating the demons while the female demon and the yellow-haired boy will protect the people within the carts" Rengoku said and suddenly taking off.

'Ok, where is the demon' you thought as you began to concentrate all of your attention on finding the demon "found it" you mumbled as you ran to one of the doors, grabbing the top of the door frame and pulling yourself up onto the roof of the cart.

You looked up and there was a large amount of that off flesh on the first part of the train.

This chapter is not proofread.

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