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"That man' will be please with me if I bring you to him" the demon spoke out.

'Shit' you thought as you held your blade in front of you.

And suddenly the room you were in was crushed inwards. You bolted for the window but you were fast enough, your shin was crushed and your wakizashi was stabbed through your abdomen.

Your upper body dangled on of the window, you grabbed ahold of a piece of wood and pulled yourself up.

'Crap, crap, crap' you thought as you tried to pull your leg out of from under the wood.

"Haha, you demon hunters are so weak. So, how many of you are there?" The demon asked.

You looked up at saw the demon standing at the edge of the roof, looking down at you.

"Not saying, harlot" you scoffed in response.

A sash began to wrap itself around your arm.

Your arm was being absorbed into the sash
"Gaah!!" You yelled as you tried to use your other arm to pull the sash off of you.

The sash then wrapped itself over your mouth and other arm and then your whole upper body.

Breath of Water Ninth Form: Splashing Water  Flow, Turbulent

Tanjiro appeared from behind the demon, slashing at her and the sashes that held you.

Tanjiro and the demon began to fight one another.

'I can't see them' you thought as you tried to pull your leg out.

You continued to try and pull your leg out but it wouldn't budge.

The roof wouldn't lift either, leaving you with one choice. You pulled the wakizashi out of your abdomen "waahg" you cried out.

"Oh gosh, ok ok" you breathed out.

You spotted your shirt under the rumble and reached over to grab it. You placed the piece of clothing in your mouth.

And you then began to cut through your leg with the wakizashi. You let out muffled cries and you continued to cut through your leg.

And soon enough the blade went completely through your leg, you almost fell out of the window but grabbed ahold of the window frame beforehand.

Before the attack

'What's taking Y/n so long? We agreed to meet here at sun fall... And I can't smell her anymore' Tanjiro thought as he waited patiently for your arrival.

"Ha... Sorry I'm late, there was another customer and the mistress started chasing me around"

Tanjiro turned around to see Y/n running towards him "it's alright... But your not changed yet" Tanjiro mumbled.

"Right! The mice brought my things to my room, right? Go on ahead without me, I'll catch up" Y/n said as she ran off.

Tanjiro nodded in response.

Tanjiro then walked into Koinatsu's room "Koinatsu-san" Tanjiro called out as he took a kneel.

"Forgive me for being impolite but Y/n and I will be leaving the 'tokitou house'. Y/n and I both agreed that we owed all the masters and the others for all the care that they provided us while we were here, so could you please give this to them as payment" Tanjiro said as he placed a letter containing money in it on the floor.

"Sumi-chan, your clothes..." Koinatsu spoke out.

"Y/n has her reasons for coming here and I have my reasons for dressing up as a girl, but I'm actually a boy" Tanjiro continued.

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