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"Genya!! To your right, it's moving south! Find it!!" Tanjiro screamed, his voice echoing through the woods.

I've been looking this whole time! Can I not see it due to some demonic art!? Where is it!? The longer this goes on the more exhausted I get!! Genya thought as he searched through the woods aimlessly. 

"West!! Further right! It's close to the ground!! Genya!" The voice of Tanjiro echoed through the woods.

"Where... W" Genya muttered until he had spotted the demon, the demon a size of a mouse stood just before him.

It's tiny!? Genya thought, he then shot the demon with his gun only to miss due to the size of the demon. It's too small! This little creep is the main body!? How was I supposed to find that he's the size of a mouse!! Those other guys are really strong, this pipsqueak's controlling them!! Genya thought as he chased after the small demon.

Genya tried to cut the demons head off with his blade only for the demons neck to deflect his blade as his neck was too hard.

I can't cut it's neck!? How, it's the size of a finger!? Genya thought as frustration filled his bones, he took his gun and shot it at the demon once again. No way, no way. Genya thought as anxienty ran over him. 

Genya's eyes had widen once he had sense the demon approaching him from behind, feeling a staff inches from the back of his neck.

Oh no, he's got me! I'm too slow, I can't heal the back of my neck. Sanemi... I wanted to become a hashira so you would respect me, and I wanted to apologize... For that one time, Genya thought.

Tanjiro's breathing became scratchy as he rushed to help Genya, a female figure had rushed past him 'Y/n!' Tanjiro thought as relief washed over him.

"Genya Shinazugawa!! You better not be accepting death right now!!" You scream out as you rushed to the males aid, once you approached them you had leapt off the ground, wrapping your arms around the demons waist. The two of you fell harshly onto the ground.

"Get off me!" The demon snarled as he stabbed his spear into your stomach, you gritted your teeth in pain. The demon pulled out his staff and headed towards Tanjiro.

"Genya! Don't give up! Try again! Cut his head off! Aren't you going to become a hashira, Genya Shinazugawa!!" Tanjiro yelled, the red-haired male felt shock come over him as a demon approached him from behind, the male wasn't able to react fast enough to it's attack.

Weeping Spears

"Bastard!!" You yell as you grabbed ahold of the demons waist once more, pointing the staff towards the ground. The demons attack still fired towards Tanjiro but Genya had jumped infront of him.

Genya eyes widened as he had realized if you didn't point the staff down the attack would've shot through his neck, Genya gave you a nod of approval, you returned the gesture with a thumbs up and a smile.

you then kicked the demons side, knocking him back a few feet "Bitch!" He yells as he charges at you with his staff. The two of you began to brawl. 

"Go! I can't cut its head, just this once, I'll allow" Genya spoke out, Tanjiro hummed in response before he went after the demon.

"Arrrghhh!!" Genya yelled out as he began shooting the demon, that was attacking you. 

In the blink of an eye the demon of anger had opened his palms and absorbed the other demons "What the fuck!" You muttered as you watched the demons run off. Where're they going!? You thought, "Shit!! Genya! Get to Tanjiro, now!!" You yelled, realizing where the demon was going.

Both you and Genya ran towards Tanjiro, the two of you spotted the boy and the demon was inches from him.

"Tanjiro get out of the way!!" Genya yelled, the male wasn't able to fire his gun without injuring Tanjiro, If I use my katana, I might cut up Tanjiro! You thought "Tanjiro! I'll put you back together, I promise!!" You yelled as you leapt at the demon and the red-haired boy.

Second Petal: Swirling Blue

You whipped your body through the air, aiming your katana at the demon just as you whipped your blade at the demon. Nezuko had scooped Tanjiro up and leapt out of the way. You pulled your katana back as dragon like figures appeared out of the blue. 

You landed infront of Nezuko and Tanjiro, "Are you two alright?" You asked as you knelt down to check on the two. Nezuko had looked at you angrily "Mhmm! Mhmhm! MhM!!" She hummed angrily at you knowing what you were going to do.

"Jeez, sorry" you chuckled as you reached out to Tanjiro to heal the boy.

"Unpleasantness... Unhappiness... Extremity" the demon spoke out, the demons cold and shriveled voice sent shivers down your spine, you stopped your hand inches from Tanjiro's skin as your breath became hitched.

You noticed the uneasiness Tanjiro was feeling "It's not a sixth demon, the angered one absorbed the other three" you mumbled, Tanjiro then realized he couldn't sense the four demons.

"You foul villains!" The demon yelled out as roots began to swarm around the smaller demon. 

"Hey you" Tanjiro called out, standing up as he obtained the demons attention "Why're we the villains?" The boy asked "You're picking on the weak, trying to kill a weakling that can fit onto your palm" the demon responded.

"Tanjiro, we should retreat for a little bit, I can heal you, Genya, your sister and I all need to replenish our energy" you spoke out as you tugged on the boys clothing.

"You reek of blood, I bet you've killed more than 200 people! What do those people do!?" Tanjiro yelled as he charged at the demon "Oh, c'mon!" You yell, following Tanjiro to battle. 


This chapter is not proof read

I just realized I forgot to had Muichiro in this battle T^T

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