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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒖𝒏𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉𝒆𝒅 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎.

That face
that face again, 
up close,
staring at me,
as if,

As if, at this very moment every hurdle can be crossed without question.

"And what if I don't stay away?" the same voice, the same sentence ringing like a warning bell. 

I saw him taking a step closer, and like every time, I am wishing for a different choice. 

My steps remained poised, my heart becoming erratic.

The same sentence managed past my mouth , like every time. 

"This is going to hurt you." 

Never knowing who it was meant for more. 

Her lips engulfing with soft ones, her mouth turning agile, and a stiff stone placed itself above on her chest, making it even more suffocated. 

Eyes opening up gradually,
The female took in the image of grey ceiling.
Hair smeared around the pillow, palm grabbing harshly on to the bedsheet. 

People say it's hard to forget someone who left us, but can we ever forget those who were left by us? 

She sat straight, her palm smearing over her face. It had been about 2 weeks now, but this dream would never leave her. 

Dream, or what she should call a rear part of her reality, which she never wanted to begin with.

Her hands making there way to the cup, same thoughts evoked again. 

It's such a shame, how we try to forget about things, make them hurt less, keep ourselves busy to not even think about them, run so fast that our breath becomes taut. But in the end, we come back at the same spot, reassembling all efforts. 

Because everything takes time,
time to sting less,
hurt less,
worth less. 

Maybe today could be a start of that time, she was in a new place, new stage, new day, perhaps new life.

"Stop day dreaming!" 

Irene eventually shook her head, finally analyzing the surrounding. She shifted her gaze to the left where stood, honey brown haired female, Wendy. 

"I wasn't day dreaming." Irene said, staying still outside the big opened gates. 

"It would be better if I wouldn't dream." She muttered, gaze brushing by her shoes. 

"Same dream again?" She was asked and a dismayed nod was received.

"You're just thinking about it too much, you can't do anything about it, neither you wanna fix it anyways." Wendy said blinking too much. 

She analyzed how the atmosphere fell silent, and Irene was never the one to remain silent. 

"You know what?" She gained her attention. 

"Let today be different." Irene breached her shoulder up. 

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