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To be or not to be.

The days weren't same anymore.

Silence became a part of Irene, not only silence of her words, but silence of her emotions and silence of everything associated with herself.

"I'm fine!" she would say, and this was probably the only thing she would say the whole day.

There weren't anymore complains about messing up of canteen lines, sleeping in class, or talking loudly in library. 

Irene was there but she wasn't there. 

End of December was coming nearer, snow fall, and hail becoming evidently stronger day by day. But all Irene had in mind was 30th December. 

She didn't know how someone like her who could forget the thing said to her 5 minutes after couldn't get a simple date out of her mind. 

The watch sits on her dressing table.

The picture framed inside her gallery.

The memories paused inside her mind. 

"Irene?" She wondered for how long Wendy had been talking , and all she heard was white noise.

"You're coming right?" her friend asked and Irene unreasonably nodded her head.
"With who?" Wendy questioned leaving her to sigh.

"just...I'll be there." she gave a weak smile, her gaze shifting to the side finding that same group again.

Jennie wasn't around him today. 

Lately Taehyung never even dare to glance at her, not even by accident, and this only made her affirm on the words he said last time.

Same was happening right now. 
He was standing right beside her, but his face was unmatched.

He just stood there with a blank face, waiting for his turn.
Jin and Wendy glanced at each other and then looked away quickly.

Irene felt the wretched emotion inside her again, and she couldn't take this anymore, after excusing herself for rest room, she turned around the corner, breathe getting shallow, eyes blurry. 

The blonde's gaze followed her and then turned down on the vending machine, inserting a coin inside.

He didn't know if he had been successful in hiding or pretending. 

These past few days, all Taehyung felt was awful, he didn't know the reason why, but it didn't just stop there, resulting in a quarrel with Seulgi, and a misunderstanding with Jimin.

He felt as if he was angry all the time.

As a result, they created some distance from him, making it as if they are giving him space.

Jin patted his back bringing him back into reality.

"...so you've decided to ignore her." he took the can from his hand.

"isn't that right thing to do?" Taehyung blurted out, walking a step ahead from older.


"...because in this way I'm not getting hurt." Taehyung replied in a harsh tone.

"...just leave me alone for a while." he pinched his forehead.

Jin stayed still for a moment, noticing how Taehyung was looking down swallowing harshly.
He knocked on the table to get his attention.

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