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Close your eyes.

A week went by, 

Taehyung stayed at Jimin's, one because he insisted him, and second because he wanted to.

Irene would frequently try to visit him, with excuses of bringing food, or pending assignment, which Jimin had probably done for him. 

They didn't quite get a time together alone to discuss things that could maybe define what they are going to be. Irene tried, but she felt as if he was not particularly comfortable.
And so she slipped off everytime.

With a sigh she heaved out laying straight on her bed.

"What should I do now." She asked Wendy, who didn't pay much attention. 

"As if you're going to do exactly what I tell you to...." She mocked sitting beside her, continuing in an obvious tone.
"...If I were you, I would've told him when you passed him that note you left."

Irene dozed out for a second. 

"..He couldn't be at his room, because it reminded him of you... he returned the necklace ... what more confirmation do you need?" 

Wendy seemed annoyed, since this was maybe 4th time Irene asked her the same question, which she knew the answer to. 

"It's not that."
"Then what is it exactly." 

Irene passed her a look before sighing out. 

"I-dont want him to think that I'm saying it out of pity." 

Wendy made a face which speaks that she heard something really stupid.

"Your mind literally scares me!" she frowned. 

"No! it's just- he asked me why am I caring suddenly, and you know I literally walked away when he confessed.... so this is all holding me back." 

"Try to get some time alone with him.. when he comes back to uni." Wendy suggested. 

"He is coming back? when?" Irene chimed. 


"She dropped off her previous notes, when you had an extra class." Jimin told Taehyung as they walked inside the corridor. Taehyung found many faces coming to him and asking about his gran today, it was a bit painful, but he wishes it would end soon. 

"I don't get it, is she doing me a favor , or is there something else?" Taehyung took the notes from him. 

"Why don't you ask her?" Jimin forwarded to which Taehyung shot a look. 

"I've given her hints already... or else I should've stopped seeing her completely." 

They reached the canteen, where Irene was seen sitting on her regular place, she was about to get up.

"There he is!" Jin said out loud, averting blondes attention, though his dye was wearing off to brunette. 

Jennie came to his vision, she rushed off to him. 

Irene remember each and every second of clock that ticked along as the female before her pushed her arms around the male.
And time literally slowed itself to torture her. 

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