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The date

A week passed by, in which most days, the routine went of by same pattern, Irene wasn't ignoring him anymore. Instead, she would take the bus for next stop so she could go with him. However, when she saw Taehyung on the bus, she would act surprise as if she didn't know he took this bus.

This often made Taehyung smirk internally.

They didn't quiet have a time to get together between classes, neither recess since apparently she knew Taehyung's friend won't like her after that whole thing. 

She is actually surprise till this day on why is he being so flexible with everything. She discussed her concerns with Wendy, who labelled Irene as overthinker. 

"Not everyone is like you, if people like someone they do them good, he is just doing that."

They didn't do a lot of things aside from going to Taehyung's home where Irene spent alot more time with gran and then Taehyung actually helped her with math. 

"This is a + inside bracket, that's basic math Irene." Taehyung said, circling on the 5th step of algebraic solution. 

"I am older than you, don't talk to me like that." Irene crossed the whole page flipping to new one. 

"Or else?" Taehyung threatened, somehow his voice and face sometimes doesn't match.

sound grave eyes playful. 

"I'll tell Seolhyun that you had a crush on her." Irene replied keeping her notebook aside. 

"Go on ." Taehyung said keeping his book aside as well. 

"...you'll have a competition then, and well she is my childhood crush so she might have upper hand." Taehyung teased while leaning back. 

"Then go to her." Irene stood up from the bed, walking out, and he stopped her while chuckling to himself. 

In these two weeks, they came to know a bit lot about each other, like how Taehyung knew she was easy to be messed with. However, he was actually pretty good at making up to her. 

"She is not as pretty, smart, funny, and... pretty compared to you." Taehyung stated. 

"You said pretty twice." Irene exclaimed prompting the blonde to think for a while, before pinching her cheeks.

"Because you're the prettiest, and I'm right here, coiled on your finger." 

This and similar replies would often cause Taehyung to receive a smack on his chest, forwarded by a line .

" you're so cheesy." 

They didn't have any dates till now, not even an official label about if they are dating. 

So when the weekends were approaching, Taehyung decided to ask her out. And he did it in the most Taehyungist way ever. 

He told Irene that he would take a test of topic he helped her in math.

"So in this question Mr Kim has to ask a question, and we have to calculate values. For each value there is a letter, so find out what's his question." 

He gave her half hour to complete the question.

Guess, it wasn't a good idea.

After almost an hour of her struggle, in which she bugged him to help her a bit, but Taehyung refused, for which she called him mean, ruthless and many other names like that.

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