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She met that boy frequently, still unknown to the name.

Within few meetings, they tend to eat lunch together.

Irene would sometimes find herself waiting so she could eat with him.

It was a day like that, she was about to walk towards her respective place, a tray in her hand.
When she was about to enter she found few students pointing towards the said boy whom Irene was still unknown of. 

"New target for miss pulley." one of them mocked, not knowing Irene was behind. 

She hid herself between the door and wall. 

"Man I warned him." Said another boy , shorter in height than the other 3. 

"Heard, he is an ace, maybe she could have her way longer this time." The other 3 chuckled.

The call was made,

Irene stepped in front of them, prompting them to zip up.

She tossed off the tray from there hands, few heads turned on the thud voice , amongst them was the same face.

"If you want, you guys can have your ways with him, which I sure think you want to." She spurted, 

She saw the male strolling towards her.

"Irene?" he stepped in.

"If you're warning him, then warn him better." She took her tray leaving the cafeteria.

The latter called her name, which she avoided, strolling towards the class.

The male caught up to her pace, standing in front to keep her from moving anymore.

"If I did something wrong, don't you think you should tell me?" He asked, seemingly oblivious of the previous conversation.

"No!" Irene replied pacing past him, before she could've move further, he stepped in front of her again.

 Maybe now she noticed, he was a lot taller than her, hair swept up showing his forehead, unlike others who had bangs mostly. 

A frown settling itself on face, and that was the most unsettling thing Irene witnessed.Never had anyone's frowning face disturbed her so much. 

"Haven't you probably heard I'm not someone ...a guy like you should linger around." She said lightly, waiting until the frown disappeared. 

"I don't believe until I witness myself." He said. 

Irene ushered, strolling as if he didn't say anything. 

"A guy like me... what did you mean by that?" He followed once again. 

The female stopped at once, facing him, she raised her finger straight towards him. 

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