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with answer comes new question.

"..don't mention me okay? Will-" Irene stopped her rattling, looking at the way Jimin's gaze pressed on something behind her. Or maybe someone. 

Irene clasped her eyes shut, before facing the supposed male.

Her face turning 90 degrees, finding Taehyung standing firm, lately she couldn't find anything on his face.
Which was a bit concerning.

"Could you move aside?" he asked, 

Irene pushed her hand forward,"This-" 

Before she could complete, the male took the paper bag from her hand. 

"Thankyou." voice dry, he made his way inside, leaving a really unsatisfied Irene behind.

Jimin went a bit outcaste on the scene, he tried to place few glances at Taehyung.

"Do you want to come in?" He asked and Irene got a bit taken aback, 

didn't he see the way Taehyung treated me, why would he ask such thing. 

"Oh Jin hyung! you're here." Jimin waved, and Irene was ready to leave now. 

"Oh Irene is here too?" Jin pointed towards Jimin as if asking further, though only a shrug was received.

"Can you take her inside, I've to look for someone." He made his way out .

Irene clasped the bag she was holding onto, she clearly told Jin that she had work to do, but the latter was incuriously convincing.

"Don't worry, we are having a party for Taehyung, it'd be nice to have someone from his team. Actually you should meet his gran-" Jin didn't let her protest, and before Irene knew she was inside , the door closing. 

"Gran, look who is here?" Jin called out and Irene had never shot her eyes open this wide in her life. 

"Stop, why are you doing this?" She winced and the taller male laughed telling her that she has good humor. 

He asked her to move inside, and she didn't.

Apparently, she could've act rude, but chose not to.  Taehyung was already being really distant, maybe she made his mood worse than before. 

She paused when her vision cleared on the presence of old female, the same as she had seen on Taehyung's contact. 

"You're the cool gran" Irene let out without thinking much, her mouth closing shut in a second; peeking a glance at the blonde who didn't look welcoming at all.

"I mean- I'm sorry, I should go." She was about to leave but Jin pushed her a bit. 

"She was the leader of team in which Tae was selected. And she is his friend too." Irene bit her lips , her face heaving down. 

Taehyung took his time, looking at each and every of her movements, she looked embarrassed ,and she should be..he thought. 

He though today could be a better day, guess he was wrong.

"You're really pretty." Gran said, and Irene smiled lightly making Taehyung look away, he shut his eyes. 

"Thankyou." she replied, further telling her name.

She was asked to stay, Irene had a hard time battling between saying no and leave, which would upset Taehyung, and staying which would also upset him.

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