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wrong time, right place.

The walk back home was unusual, instead of kicking the rocks which could deliberately hit crossing bicycles, Taehyung was walking calmly.

The usual pole which always comes in front of his walk space was dodged away as he twirled around it. Skipping a few steps he paused in front of black gate, not a really big nor really small. The keys jiggled as he entered inside. 

A faint voice arrived from the corner
"Taehyung... is that you?" and the blonde walked towards the suspected room, greeting his grand mother who was lying on the bed.

He did the routine by taking her petite hand in his hold kissing at the top, staying for a little longer.

"You're smiling" he heard the old woman, only to grin wider this time revealing his boxy smile. 

"Did you pull another prank at someone?" she asked again, trying to sit on the bed as the male supported her back. 

"Yes I did, but.." he pursed his lips, kissing her hand again.
"Nevermind..., let's eat."


"No, but it was her fault, why did she bring her chipmunks as if they could do a thing.." said Irene, or more like yelled Irene, since sometimes her voice could get a bit louder than intended. 

"If someone pushes you, you can push back not slap them!" her friend said from the other line voice a total opposite than that of her, who now left a dramatic gasp. 

"Are you my friend or hers?" she said in disbelief followed by another consoling. 

They talked for an hour or so, before Ella ended the call. It was about 12 am, her head placed on the top of pillow, eyes closed. 

"A pea sized brain of yours should know better" her eyes shot open.

Why was I being so overly dramatic and cringe? she turned her face to squish it under the pillow as if this could remove every possible of her memories. 

But well, having a good memory can be sort of privilege and an unfortune at the same time.


The 1st bell rang signaling the start of class, Irene entered a bit late since she over slept , her feet walking past the corridor as she hurriedly entered the respective class passing across few people. 

Among those few, was Taehyung himself, since morning his gaze seemed to get stuck on the entrance searching for familiar face, and when he finally did, his breathe hitched, he looked away quickly.

She was walking towards him hastily, and he thought of maybe waving a hand.
Until the time he could've raised his hand the female walked past him in a quick rush, he turned to follow her, as she continued to brush away from others the way she did with him.

The raised hand went past his hair.
Maybe she was just in hurry but a faint pout made it's way to his face somehow.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm really sorry." Irene muffled out, as she was caught sneaking inside to avoid being nagged on, thankfully she was still protected. 

Her glare rested on the male who was sitting on her regular seat.

Eventually she sat at the very back beside Wendy, who was by the way her only friend nowadays. 

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