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Sweet night

Walking past the lonesome alleys, didn't feel as lonely as it used to be.

The cold around the surrounding was being defied by the apparent flush visible on both the faces.

Few snicker, and light chuckles would crawl out sometimes.

Irene started to tell him about how 3 guys alone during her high-school accepted to have a crush on her, which only gave Taehyung a reason to say that he wouldn't deny it cause she is a total package which made her blush to a faint red.

The air between them turned cool. None of them was reminiscing about the terrible they talked just a moment before.

Irene asked him about how his gran was to receive a reply that she is getting healthier. The conversation continued in bits till they reached Taehyung's house. 

As he keyed open, Irene now realized what she said, or did. 

Once the bucket is dropped, water can't be saved. 

Her fingers started to nip against each other, she placed her bag on the entrance couch.

Meanwhile, Taehyung took a quick peek towards his gran's room only to find her deep in slumber; slowly, he closed the door to her room.

"So ...you wanna eat something!" He asked, since the two escaped out, without having dinner from the party.

He opened up the refrigerator, trying to look for something, however failed.

"I have - nothing." Taehyung muttered to himself. 

Jin still hadn't done groceries, because he does it for Taehyung too. 

Irene took a hold of one cabinet, opening it to find few packets of ramen. 

"Well, we won't starve." She took them out.
"No, these-" Taehyung paused in the middle.
"What?" Irene questioned staring at him quizzically, and then noting the packet in her hand. 

It was spicy red chilly mix. A sly smirk appeared on her face.

 "Is it too spicy for you?" She tried not to smile, catching the latter's unchanged reaction, as he nodded partly, his hand brushing through his hair out of embarrassment.

"...then you'll have to starve, sorry!" her hand ruffled the top of his hair, before engaging herself to find a sauce pan.

Taehyung felt betrayed, an offended look on his face, a poker slightly making it's way to his mouth. 

After Irene had placed the water for boiling, her attention wavered towards the male, who aimlessly stared at the sauce pan with partly puckered up mouth.
She still cannot make out of how he turns into a little child version spontaneously.

 She still cannot make out of how he turns into a little child version spontaneously

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