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Sticker that came off.

Jin, Suga, Jimin and Seulgi all had there eyes pressed on the entrance.

Apparently, Taehyung told them to wait for him, and now he was nowhere to be found.

Hope discreet a peek at Seulgi, taking a seat beside her, he leaned close to her ear before whispering.
"Who are you looking for?" 

"Taehyung! have you seen him?" Jimin replied instead causing Hope to place his finger over his mouth. 

Jimin knew he knows.

"You won't like it if I tell you." Hope tried to take fries from Seulgi's plate, which was unsuccessful. 

"Are you siding with Irene too? like someone else?" She eyed Jin, who took the offense.

He objected immediately.

"Taehyung's happy! haven't you seen him lately, he is always having that annoying boxy grin on his face."

He further asked Suga to back him up, who ended up with a simple nod.

"And is that guaranteed? you were there when he ..." Seulgi turned quiet in secrecy, she glanced at her right and then left before leaning forward.

"..when Jackson brought that guy?" she said in a low voice.

"Jackson? Really , you're gonna believe him?" Jin chuckled as if it was a joke.

"But, what if he is right Hyung!" Jimin was the one to speak.

"Even so! that's past! give her a break." Jin defended before standing up.

Jimin stood up as well.
"If it's past, then why didn't she tell him?"

The oldest among them turned quiet.

"Do whatever you want." he left.


Hope walked down the stairs, finding an open detention room, it was off-timing so most of them were empty.

He peeked in discreetly, finding Irene who just came out. 
She seemed taken aback.

Her mouth muffled up a quick hi before running downstairs.

He went inside finding Taehyung prepared with his bag.
His eyes arched up. 

"What were you two doing?" He asked the obvious, and Taehyung shrugged saying things like she was helping with chemistry because teacher asked her to. 

"Yeah , chemistry !! " He crossed his eyes.
"...the physical one or the chemical one?"  

Taehyung could only wince at that, as if he was caught.

"Jimin was asking about you." He informed, and Taehyung finally got realization about his friends. 

He moved out, running to the gates, where Jin and Jimin were waiting for him. 

"I'm sorry, I had- detention." He rubbed his neck, pushing his bag to the left shoulder. 

Irene was walking home.

After that date, she started to consider many things and how it could affect Taehyung and so the two talked about it. 

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