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Handle it.

"I literally have nothing to wear." 

Irene complained after throwing the tenth dress on her bed. 

Wendy turned another page of unknown magazine. 

She shifted her gaze at Irene, who changed into a black dress which seemed more expose than her interior.

"You're going at a birthday party not a fashion runway!!" She stood up.

"It's Jennie's party, girls there would be dressed like this." 

Irene replied unconfidently, her hand trying to stretch the dress beneath her thighs. 

"Help me!!" 

She sat down on the bed , her hands over her head. 

"I have to do everything right tonight... here I am not able to chose a dress?"

Wendy finally meddled in, shuffling through bunch of dresses and then picking a two piece. 

"Just wear this one."

A black and white cropped top with high waist pants. Irene seemed unsatisfied at the plain choice.

Wendy sat beside her.

"You're not going there to seduce him, he is already seduced by you... You are going there to make him yours. Just remember that." 


The street lights kept on passing by. Somewhere deep inside, Irene didn't want this journey to end because her mind was still clueless.

Nevertheless, the cab stopped, she peeked outside to find neon lights around the house.
After paying the cab driver, she rang the bell , bass of music audible till outside. 

Jisoo greeted her and then left somewhere.

Irene took a corner for herself. 

Following her last experience with the party, she preferred not to get involved much.

Her eyes lingered around the hall, she spotted Jennie, who was busy talking to someone, she wore a backless pink dress . 

"Should've gone with the first one." Irene muttered before looking at herself all over. 

A guy went past her, asking if she wanted a drink which she said no to

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A guy went past her, asking if she wanted a drink which she said no to.
Her head waving from side to side in search of blonde haired male.

After few minutes, she found him sitting at the bar, waiting for drinks.

Irene swear she was ready to make a move, but then she saw him getting up, and bringing 2 drinks to a nearby booth, a girl sitting on one of chairs smiled at him.

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