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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒆.        

After Irene was done splashing water on her face for nth time, she unlocked the door, pulling the knob to open it up. 

It took few failed pulls to make her realize that something was wrong.

"Is it stuck?" trying her full strength for last time.

She even tried thrumming on the door however since hotel was quite crowded, it was rare to hear any voice from the corner of room. 

For a second she held back, standing still.
She exhaled.
Door seemed shabby, kind of vulnerable at this moment, and so she did, what she hadn't in a long time. 

She kicked on the door knob, karma strike, and now even her ankle got sprained. 

"What the hell!" her figure limped, before she could attempt to bang the door again, it opened up revealing the same moustache guy. 

" Are' ya gonna apologize missy!!" he baffled out with Scottish accent.

"Who are you?" she frowned, the latter left a deep chuckle replaced by a threatening look on his face. 

"You locked me up to laugh? " she argued, her fist tightening. 

The hotel manager came behind them, she seemed older maybe in her 50s judged by her curly white hair tied in braid.
Irene was quick to ask for help but before that.

"Carl you are disturbing the customers, deal with this outside." Irene looked as if a ghost passed by her, the collar of her jacket from the back was dragged and then pushed asking her to walk outside. 

"Deal what.. hey don't push!" she continued to walk with pacing steps. 

Her sprained ankle didn't help either, since she practically had to limp while being pushed.

Once they were outside, her clasp on jacket became even more tightened. 

"Apologize and we will let you go." Carl spoke in a hoarse voice, Irene still couldn't register. 

"you should apologize, you locked me up!" she said with confused expression, which was now disappearing since the expression on his face turned grave, red ,as if he was holding his breathe and read to burst off. 

She thought of plan B, that is to run towards her bus, she can outrun them, they were quite fat to run that fast. However, as her last hope seemed invisible her breathe got caught up. 

There was a horrified look on her face now, lips slightly quivering to make up words.

She wanted to apologize , but her mouth became taut, neither did her steps move, she turned to face the direction of bus again. 

As they say extra courage is stupidity. 


Taehyung searched through the restaurant, asking few people if they saw any girl passing by. When there was no reply, he dialed up Jackson's number to ask if Lily returned.

"We are literally in same place, why are ya calling?" The latter laughed, which made Taehyung a bit contemplative.

He stepped out to find no bus around here, he gripped his hair.

"Look around you, can you see me?" Taehyung asked in a sarcastic tone, it took Jackson a minute to realize the meaning.

"Where are you?" He muffledd, as he tried to search for Taehyung in his sight.

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