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// this music box is a healer//

Sitting there, holding your heart.

Irene opened her eyes when she was nudged by the women beside her. 

"Incheon will arrive after 10 minutes." 

She thanked her, trying to pass a smile.

Her feet moved on it's own, pulling her suitcase down as the bus pulled over. Her cousin waited for her at the far corner. She waved her hand enthusiastically.

Joy. just like her name, her aura was joy as well.

She hugged him, and the two sat on the cab stolled.

Irene answered few brief questions she was asked, before leaning her head to the window. 

Time lapsed between sleep, because her mind was so tired of thinking after thinking.

It was just so easy to leave, it had always been so easy. 

"Don't ask her anything, if she wants to work, let her work , if she goes out by herself, let her."

She heard Joy telling her aunt. 

She closed the half open door. Her mind would momentary drop off on the topic where she would chose to move here, and continue without having to worry about anything else. 

It would be better, no regular fight, nor flashbacks of disappointment. 

But one name would just seep in somewhere, making her deny all of these thoughts.


Jimin peeked a glance at the blonde from a seat behind, the class kept going on, and Taehyung seemed focus, his pen in his hand, he took notes , which he never does.

He gave a brief look to Seulgi who was equally oblivious.

None of them could talk to him, because it would just end in a one-sided conversation.

Taehyung sat alone with his hands-free on, eating a sandwich and scribbling something on his notebook. 

Wendy stopped by his chair, she stared at Hope who was also looking at Taehyung from few seats away. 

Taking one of his earphone out, she gained his attention.

"Have you seen Irene?" She asked in obvious, since most probably Irene would be with him, atleast that was the case since last month. 

"No." Taehyung replied simply, trying to put his earbuds again.

When she remained standing, he swallowed sharply.

"Did she tell you she was gonna skip school?" She asked again, prompting him to look at her. 

"Aren't you her bestfriend? Ain't you suppose to know that rather than me?" he said calmly, but words did damage.

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