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Taehyung was on his doorstep, unlocking the door. Irene was standing behind him.

She didn't speak anymore after there last bickering. Somehow, it made him uncomfortable.

"I would've moved back, even if Suga won't come." He said finally, unlocking the door in process.

If only he would've answered it back then when she asked.

She didn't reply, instead walked inside quickly. This was maybe a record for keeping patience and not acting out of her impulsiveness. 

Her steps only paused in front of the kitchen counter, she thought the time could maybe calm her down, but thinking about the scene earlier seemed hard to ignore.

Taehyung walked across the living room, she heard his steps stopping by for few seconds, and so the words lisped out finally.

"She was drunk I know... but what were you thinking?" She sounded calmer than she felt. 

The fact that Taehyung chuckled briefly, made her want to throw a brick right now.

She turned to face him with a look of disbelief. 

"Now you are looking at me." He spoke casually, standing straight with his hands in his pocket.

The frown on Irene's face remained still when he turned on his back, taking the watch off of his hand.

"I don't kiss people if I'm not planning on being with them." he replied at last.

his face lowering to the ground. "...you out of everyone should know that." 

The female tightened her fist, placing a hard poker on her face.

"You're just making me more angry." her tone dropping somewhere between stiff and worrisome.

Taehyung raised his face to give her a suffice look.
"Do you need some time alone?" he asked softly. Quiet a coincidence, that the way he stared at her made it clear that he had his own grievances.

 Irene knew it was none other than a mock and so her face draw off at edge. 

"Don't divert the topic on me!" She exclaimed finding the latter uninterested and so without thinking anything, she walked towards him, her hand pushing over his chest, earning another dry chuckle from his side.

"This is not funny." she exclaimed in an irritated and hurried voice.

"...I was there to tell you that I was stupid, and that I don't want to remain stupid by wasting time on unsaid things... but I don't think your humor is ready to hear me out." Her voice got louder and high pitched. 

When she looked back at him, his focus was fixed on her, mouth clasping hard into concentration, and eyes stuck on like a radiated sight. His palm managed past her wrist removing it off of his chest, all while remaining the eye contact.

She didn't know why, but the way he stared made the courage inside her disappear somewhere, she lowered her head on the ground.

 Before Taehyung could have left her hand, she grasped tighter preventing his actions.

With a panicked sigh, she chose to look at him again.
"...I'm bad at making decisions, I've been bad all my life at this very work." she spoke lowly.

"I know that!" he whispered , feeling her getting close with second.

He could smell her perfume, a mix of vanilla and strawberry, eyes shutting close to suppress himself.

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