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Why have you become a reason for no reason?

Taehyung laid straight on his bed.

Sleep was downright below his eyes, 
tiredness all over his body,
but mind? his mind was more than awake.
He sat straight, glimpsing at the closed door, as if he could look past it.

He wondered if she was still there, or if she left like all the other times.
There was this frail fear creeping inside of him.
He stood up grabbing the knob of door.
A strange look on his face.

He saw her sitting there straight, she turned to face him,
A strange look on her face.

He walked impatiently, he had an undone task, something which he cannot leave on his reluctant mind.

There was a reason why these two were different.

Without a rear view on his decision, he paused just an inch from her, gazing at how her neck raised an inch.

He felt accumulated, and his mind had never been this congested before, he needed to breathe, and so he did what he had to, he put the only person in her mind who could fought away these convictions. 

Irene almost gasp at the sudden evasion, she felt immobile as the latter cupped her cheeks, and leaned into an indecisive move, she felt his mouth nearer, and it was enough to drabble anything else from her thoughts. 

Only single name replaced instead.

The tension from her face disappeared and she closed her eyes, replacing her fear with his touch.

He kissed her prior to all the warnings.

It was an alarm to let her know not to get close,

and it was an assurance of not feeling wrong. 

He break into a pause, breathing her in and as if this wasn't maddening enough , he found her hand pulling onto her shirt, her eyes staring into him with intoxication, and he fell as if he was an alcoholic.

His knee on the couch,
sitting close to her,
mouth brushing past,
parting and then
concluding into a passage getting both into a renegade against anything else.

They knew how it started and what are the consequences. 

They were aware of it all.. this time.

Irene pulled back, catching on her breathe and sanity of mind. 

Her eyes shut close trying her hard to process what she did.
Before she could've maintained the distance, her head was nudged forward. 

She felt the heavy breathes coming out of latter's mouth.
He inhaled sharply, fist clenching somewhere near her hair.

"Can you look at me." 

Irene did as said, her gaze settled on him unarmed, he was clear, as clear as a mirror ball, exposing each of what hid beneath him.

"I'm loosing it Irene. " He whispered.

"I've a hard time letting people in, and even harder to let them go." 

he exhaled ruggedly, justifying his actions, and saying something which would shatter his walls of not being with her again. 

"So...If you have to quit, do it now. Or I won't let you go." 

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