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Little less conversation.

Taehyung stood inside the practice room, usually it was filled with people early in morning as many of sports player were here for warm up, however, after the competition , it seemed empty.

He sat down , clasping his palm under his chin, trying to pull his face off of deprived sleep. 

He was about to finally fall asleep when the notification buzzed it away.
Reason being the same again. He didn't know if he want to end this or not, but for that not part he needed to be assured for the two way road. 

When Irene arrived in, Taehyung stood up. Adjusting his blue hoodie over the black sweat pants. Irene didn't dare to look him in the eye this time, her ponytail more visible since she had her head down, fingers muffling with the brown buttoned up shirt. 

"I- " she paused, maybe the blonde would just say the thing she want to , and when he didn't her last hope drifted off. 

Taehyung unfolded his arm, as if he could read her mind, knowing well how she won't say things, and he chose to remain stiff about it as well. It's mostly her fault, so practically she should be the one - 

"I am sorry, for what happened! -what was about to happen." she quickly corrected , sighing out, closing her eyes. 

Taehyung noticed how there was a full stop.
"I can't accept your apology." he stated.

Irene shook her head in understanding.

"I don't have more to offer, you can hate me if you want." She shrugged her shoulders, ready to turn around.

"I don't hate you, neither am I planning on doing that." she paused once again, her will to close this at once didn't seem to work.

"Then it's kinda better if we don't interfere with each other's life anymore." she suggested once again, steps working to move again but

"Why?" stopped her. 

As she faced him again, Taehyung looked down and then at her.

"Do you take the blame?" He asked next, eyes glued like stagnant, the female still kept her gaze low. 

"It's not about who would take the blame, it's just- we would've stopped talking after leaving anyways." she gave an excuse.

"I won't." The latter replied in disbelief, feeling astray.

"If- if you would then - why did you even started this all again?" He questioned profoundly, it was a bit confusing and he didn't want to sound complaining, but she called him his friend, she held his hand, she was about to kiss him just few hours before, and all of it was to be turned nothing when they would go back? 

"You started this, you shouldn't have sat beside me in the bus." Irene stated, practically feeling that the blonde would be frowning right now, and she didn't want him to frown-. 

"You called me your friend Irene. Is it my fault too?" Taehyung turned almost rigid, his voice sounding much lower in tone, maybe because of the unbelievable yet not surprising situation.

"You know what, it could've been okay if not for tonight." Irene snapped, now looking somewhere on his shoulder. The male left a dry chuckle. 

"I stopped myself Irene, you didn't." 

She finally matched his gaze, piercing through his orbs.

"That could've happened to anyone?" she started to get angry. As they say, when we can't do anything else, we get mad.

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