Chapter 5

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I dont know why, but him asking if I was okay made me feel really good.

"Umm yeah no I'm totally good. Just a little cold from the water." I told him.

"Oh okay. Well I'll leave you to it." He said. I waited until I could hear his footsteps walk away before I let out the breath I had been holding.

"Girl! What the heck?!" Ellie yelled at me. "You totally like him!"

"What?! No I don't!! Why would you think that?"

"You are tooooootally blushing right now." She said.

"That doesn't prove anything." I stated. But I think she might have been right. He was cute, and funny. But I wasn't so sure. I guess we'll see what happens.
Me and Ellie walked out of the bathroom and back over to our towels. Harry was talking with Sam a few yards away and kicking a soccer ball.

"Ok y'all, time to go home!!" Ellie yelled at everyone. All her siblings and cousins got their stuff and we got in the car. One of her brothers stole the front seat from me so I was forced to sit in the back. And oh lucky me, Harry was the last one in, and the last seat was by me. Let me tell you, awkward. He kept trying to catch my eye the whole drive home but I managed to keep to myself. When we got to the house, I basically jumped out of the car and up to my room. Ellie quickly followed me in.

"So? What is your plan? You can't just ignore him for a week." She said.

"Oh I can and I will. Watch." I said. I grabbed my clothes and made my way to the bathroom. I could see Harry watching me from his room, but I ignored it and slammed the bathroom door.

After my shower, I went outside and laid in the hammock for a while. I read a little bit and doodled in my journal. Before long, I was asleep. I was suddenly awoken by someone gently rocking the hammock.

"Y/N? Are you awake? It's time for dinner." I could tell it was Harry's voice. When I opened my eyes, he was looking at me with such seriousness that I couldn't even focus. Had his eyes been that blue before? His hair that curly? Wait, no. I am not going to like this guy. He's not good for me and I'm not good for him. That's when he started to come closer.

"Y/N, I know you want me. And I want you too. Just let it happen." He whispered. I finally gave in and leaned in. But just as I was about to kiss him, I woke up.

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