Chapter 6

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I fell out of the hammock and looked up to see Harry staring at me with curiosity.

"What were you dreaming about?" He asked me.

"You were saying someone's name but I couldn't tell who."

"Oh nothing. Just some good food I guess." I told him. He looked at me not believing it.

"Okay... well dinner is ready." He said putting his hand out for me to take. I reluctantly took it and he helped me off the ground. I quickly let go when I stood up, but my hand still tingled afterwards. I grabbed my book and went inside. Everyone was setting the table and getting ready for dinner. I quickly sat by Ellie and ate dinner. It was really good. Then afterwards we decided to watch a movie.

"Ellie we're going to watch Napoleon Dynamite!" I yelled up to her. I heard her grunt and walk down the stairs.

"Hahaha of course you would pick that movie, Y/N." She laughed. I sat on the couch and started it up. People filtered in an out throughout the movie, but eventually it was me, Ellie, and Harry. We had started another movie and were about half way through it when Ellie declared she was tired and left. Harry had been on the opposite side of the couch as me since Ellie had been sitting in the middle. I glanced over at him and saw him shifting in his seat.

"I'm gonna go make some popcorn." I said. I stood up and went into the kitchen. When I got the popcorn out of the microwave I turned around and Harry was standing there. We were suddenly really close to each other. I gulped.

"Y/N?" He asked.


"I'm not sure what it is, but there's something about you." He started to lean down a little bit. "And I kind of want to see where it goes." He leaned in and I could feel his breath in my lips. "Just tell me if you want me to stop." Did I want him to stop? No. I really didn't. I closed the gap and our lips touched.

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