Chapter 7

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Kissing Harry was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Sure I had kissed other guys before, but this was a whole new level. It started out sweet and gentle, but we broke apart to take a breath and suddenly we couldn't get enough of each other. Well, that's kind of a lie. He just pulled me really close and I had my hands around his neck. Suddenly the movie made a loud noise which made us jump and break apart. We were both breathing really heavy.

"Woah." He said.

"Yeah." I added. "Have you ever been kissed like that?"

"Nope." He said smiling. "You really are a special girl, Y/N." He grabbed my hands and held them for a minute.

"This is a little awkward not gonna lie." I said. He smiled at me and I just laughed.

"Well, to make it less awkward, I'm going to go to bed." He said. He kissed my hand and walked away. But he didn't get very far. I pulled on his hand and yanked him toward me for a final goodnight kiss. I sighed as I kissed him sweetly and happily. My hands tangled in his hair, and his hands around my waist. I dont know if we sat there for 5 seconds for 5 hours, but I didn't want it to end.

"Okay, Y/N. I've really got to get to bed. Tomorrow is a big day!" He said.

"What's tomorrow?" I asked.

"We're taking everyone to the movies, and we have to try and not make out the entire time." He said smirking.

"Ahh, I see. A big challenge." I smiled.

"Goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams." And with that, he was out of the kitchen and downstairs. I turned the movie off and walked up the stairs dreamily. When I got into bed, all I could think about was kissing Harry. And you bet I had sweet dreams that night ;).

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