Chapter 1

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"Y/n get out of bed! It's time for breakfast!" My sister Katie said. She graduated college already, but she moved in with us when her idiot boyfriend kicked her out of their house.

I live with her, Carter, and my parents. Carter just graduated high school, so she hasn't moved out yet. I got out of bed and put my outfit on. It was a simple, yet casual outfit. A long sleeved blue tee, with a pair of ripped jeans. I had a bow in my hair and a pair of white converse on. I grabbed my purse and went downstairs.

"Ooh mom is that bacon? I LOVE bacon!" I said. I grabbed a piece off of the plate.

"I know how much you love it, and since it's your first day of work, I thought it would be a nice surprise!" She told me. Katie and carter smiled while mom hugged me. My phone started ringing with "best friend" by queen. I automatically knew it was Ellie.

"Hey el! How's your morning going?" I asked.
"Oh my goodness y/n you won't believe the morning I have had! Can you come over and I'll tell you about it?" She asked.

"El I would love to but I have to work today."

"Oh I forgot! I'm so excited for you! Let me know how it goes when you come over later. Bye!" She hung up. I looked at the clock and it said 11:00. I had to work at 11:30.

"Okay mom, I'm heading out! See you later!" I yelled. I grabbed my keys, purse, and water, then left on my way to work. I had gotten a job at a cute little boutique on main street. It was called "cute and sweet," I was really excited to work there. When I walked in, the manager greeted me with a smile.

"Hey y/n! So excited for you to be here. You can put your stuff in the back and we will get started!" Stacy told me. I put my stuff in the break room and went back to the front.

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