Chapter 9

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When we got to the theater, everyone went their separate ways. It was a $5 movie night, so you could basically just go into whatever movie you wanted to. They were also showing movies that had been out for a while. The ones I was deciding between were Beauty and the Beast and Hot Rod. I'd never seen Hot Rod before so I decided on that one. Ellie just rolled her eyes and walked into Beauty and the Beast. When I sat down with my popcorn and sprite, I realized I was all alone. I would have texted Harry, but I didn't have his number.

"Psst!" I heard someone behind me. I looked behind me, and of course, there he was. I laughed and went to sit by him.

"I should have known you would be here." I said.

"I would have gone into any movie theater. I was just waiting to see where you were going." He winked.

"Well, luckily we are all alone." I said. He grabbed my hand and held it. I smiled at him.

How is this my life? A week ago, I was in school, no boyfriend, my life pretty boring. Now I'm on vacation, with a Harry, and having the time of my life. I could see Harry looking over at me, so I looked over at him. He had this look in his eyes that I'd never seen before. I couldn't place what it was.

"Y/N?" He asked.


"I really like you. Will you be my girlfriend?" I dont know what I was expecting, but it definitely wasn't that. I'm not saying I wasn't excited, I was over the moon. I physically couldn't say anything, so I did the next best thing. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He laughed and kissed me back. I pulled back.

"Harry, I actually kind of want to watch the movie." I laughed. He glared at me.

"Y/N. When are we going to get the chance to be totally alone ever again?" He said. I contemplated this.

"I guess you're right." I winked at him. I leaned in to kiss him but he stopped me.

"Wait, is that a yes to being my girlfriend?" He asked.

"100%, Harry Holland." I winked. He smiled and kissed me.

I really didn't see much of the movie. We kind of just made out the whole time. Luckily there was only 1 other couple in the theater but they were at the front and we were at the back.

When it ended, Harry walked out first. He walked out before the credits so that it would seem he was in a totally different movie. I walked out a bit after the credits. He winked at me as Ellie came over.

"Ugh, Y/N, I am just in love with Emma Watson." She said. "How was your movie?" I smiled.

"It was good! Really funny and very enjoyable." I said smiling. She grabbed me and whispered in my ear.

"We are talking as soon as I get back, okay?" I just laughed.

"Whatever you say, mom." I said.

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