Chapter 12

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The next few days went really well. We did a bunch of fun stuff, and being with Harry made it even better. He was such a gentleman, and I couldn't get enough of it. We went to a carnival, and kissed at the top of a Ferris wheel. So romantic. Then, one night when it was raining, we danced in the rain and kissed under the stars.

Being with Harry made me so happy. My favorite thing though, was when we went boating. The Holland's rented a huge boat for a day, so we had such a party. I didn't really want to boat, but it was fun to watch everyone else do it. And when Harry wasn't boating, we cuddled. At one point, I fell asleep on his shoulder and he laid his head on mine. Someone took a picture and it is now my favorite thing ever.

"What are we gonna do when this trip is all over?" I asked as we cuddled outside one night. We sat in the hammock and held hands with our legs entangled.

"Obviously we're gonna text, call, facetime, all the good stuff! And we'll visit each other, too." He said. I smiled.

"Only if we text allllll the time." I winked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He said, and then kissed me. Oh boy, I really liked kissing Harry. I had the best boyfriend.

"Okay love birds. Time to come inside and go to bed because I am exhausted." Ellie said. I laughed and got out of the hammock. I offered Harry my hand and he took it to get out. This time, we said goodnight on the stairs and Ellie could sit at the top and wait.

"Goodnight girlfriend." He said winking.

"Goodnight boyfriend." I smiled. He kissed me one last time before going downstairs and I went upstairs.

"Y/N? Have you looked at your phone yet tonight?" Ellie asked.

"No, why?" I said.

"Just remember the Harry you know, not the one you read about." She said. I was officially super confused and looked at my phone. I pulled up my Instagram and that's when I saw it.

"What the heck? That little piece of s-."

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