Chapter 10

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When we got back to the house, Ellie dragged me upstairs and slammed the door shut.

"Okay young lady. Tell me right now what is going on with you." She demanded. She totally had this mom pose going on, too. I couldn't help but laugh. "This is no laughing matter, Y/N." But then she started laughing.

"Okay, okay. Fine I'll tell you." I finally said. "It really started when you left last night during the movie. The other times before that were just awkward and not very serious. Someone else was always with us. But last night, no one was with us. I had gone into the kitchen to get some popcorn when Harry showed up and kissed me. She gasped.

"Harry kissed you?? And you didn't tell me about it?" She asked.

"Hey, I'm telling you now! Calm down, girl." I laughed.

"Okay, go on."

"So after we kissed we both went to bed. Then this morning, he kissed me again when I was getting my shoes on. Then he went into the same movie as me at the movie theater."

"I knew I shouldn't have let you go in alone!" She said.

"Well technically I wasn't alone..." I winked at her. She just laughed.

"So, I'm afraid to ask. But did you even actually watch the movie?"

"Ooh this is the good part. He grabbed my hand and asked me to be his girlfriend." I said, sighing. Ellie jumped up in the air and squealed. "Calm down!! No one knows yet!"

"So what did you say???" She asked.

"Well at first I didn't say anything, if you get my drift." I winked.

"Gross Y/N!" She fake gagged.

"But I said yes and then we made out for the rest of the movie." I laughed as Ellie made a disgusted face.

"So you have a boyfriend. Wow. Who would've thought that you'd be the first one with a boyfriend?" She said. I laughed.

"Definitely not me." We laughed. Then we just sat for a minute and talked about life things.

A bit later, we heard a knock at the door. Ellie went over and opened it.

"Oh, Harry! How lovely of you to join us." She said with a weird accent. "Come in, come in!" He walked in and sat on my bed with me. He held my hand and Ellie took us in.

"Hey cutie." He said while smiling.

"Hey hot shot." I winked and kissed him.

"I mean, you're cute and all, but this is gonna take a while to get used to." Ellie suddenly said. I had kind of forgotten she was there.

"Well, I just came to tell you guys that dinner is ready. We're having burgers!" Harry said laughing. He got up and put his hand out for me to take. I gladly took it and we walked downstairs.

"Everyone!" I yelled. Everyone looked at me. Then at me and Harry's hands intertwined. Then back to me. "Harry and I are dating."

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