Chapter 11

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Everyone just stared at us. No one said anything for a while.

"I knew it!" Sam yelled. Tom started laughing when he did that. All the kids just pushed it off as no big deal. But the parents? That's a different story.

"How long has this been going on?" Nikki asked.

"Just a day. Or 2." Harry answered. Ellie's parents looked at Harry's parents. They just looked at each other. Ellie's mom finally said something.

"Well that's wonderful!" She said. "Nikki, can I talk to you in the other room?" And with that they left. We just shrugged our shoulders and went into the living room. The boys were playing something on the Wii, and me and Harry just watched. We sat on the couch with my legs on his, but not super close. It was a good pose. The parents came back into the room and Nikki called Harry and I over.

"Yeah Nikki?" I asked.

"Okay, we are okay with you guys dating. But, you have to have someone in the room with you after 10:00. Deal?" She said. I looked at Harry smiling.

"Deal." We said at the same time.

The rest of the day went about the same. Me and Harry were with each other, but not totally, since the boys all thought it was gross when we kissed. Ellie promised to be with us after 10 each night.

"Well Y/N, I had a wonderful day with you. Thanks for being the best girlfriend." He winked at me. Technically we had only been dating for 6 hours and 24 minutes. But who's counting?

"I had a great day with you too, Harry." I smiled. He leaned in an kissed me gently. The perfect goodnight kiss.

"Night Y/N. Night Ellie." And with that he was gone. I looked at Ellie and she was fake throwing up.

"Oh grow up, El." And we walked into our bedroom.

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