Epilogue Part 1

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"Harry! You forgot your charger!" I yelled from my room. I heard his footsteps from the stairs and he was suddenly in my doorway.

"I did? I thought I grabbed it." He said.

"Oh you did, I just wanted to kiss you again." I winked and walked over to him.

"Woooooow. Well played Y/N." He laughed. I put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. I leaned in and kissed him.

We'd been together all summer. His parents decided to let him and Sam stay for the summer. His parents are angels. They stayed at Ellie's house, so we were together every day. I loved every minute of it, though. Ellie also got a boyfriend, so we did double dates a lot. Sam won't admit it, but he's totally crushing on Carter. We'll see where that goes.

"Harry! We've gotta go! Our flight leaves in 2 hours." Sam yelled. I groaned and pulled away from our kiss.

"Do you really have to go?" I asked.

"It's only for..." he pulled his phone out. "44 days and 31 minutes." I laughed.

"Wayyyyy too long, if you ask me." I said.

"Don't worry, it'll go by so fast." He said.

I walked him downstairs and to the door. I gave him one last hug and kiss before he and Sam got into the car. I waved as it drove away. Tears came to my eyes, but I knew that this wasn't the end. I'd see him soon and we'd text every day.

Thanksgiving and Christmas couldn't come fast enough. I'd miss him so much, but I had a reason. After all, he was my Harry.

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