Chapter 2

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After I got the hang of things around the store, Stacy left me to talk to some customers by myself. A really pretty woman with dark red hair walked into the store with 2 boys that looked like her sons.

"Welcome guys! What can I do for you?" I asked.

"Oh I'm just looking for a pair of shoes I saw in here earlier." She said in a wonderful British accent. "Oh there they are!" She pointed at a pair of blue pumps. She went and grabbed them. "Even my size! Ooh and that dress is cute too!" She grabbed a red polka dot dress of the shelf.

"Do you want me to start you a dressing room?" I asked her.

"That would be wonderful! My name is Nikki." She said. I took her clothes and started a dressing room for her.

"Mom, we're going to go look at the arcade down the street." I heard one of the boys say. She waved them off. One of them caught my eye and winked. I swear I turned bright red. He was cute too. I finished helping Nikki find clothes and checked her out.

"It was so lovely to meet you! Thank you so much for helping me..?"

"I'm y/n. And I'm glad I could help you! Have a great day!" I told her. She waved and left the store.

"Great job today y/n! You seem like a great fit for this job. I'm really excited to have you on our team. Have a great day!" Stacy told me when I was clocking out.

"Thanks, Stacy! You have a good one too." I said. I walked out of the store and to my car. On my way home, I got a call from my mom.

"Hey honey! I hope work was good. You can tell me all about it when you get home. I just wanted to tell you, your father and I are going out of town to help Carter move into her new dorm. Katie is going on a girls trip with some friends for the weekend. I've arranged with Ellie's mom to have you stay there for the weekend. Is that okay?" She asked.

"Mom, you're asking if it's okay if I can spend the weekend with my best friend? Umm of course it's okay! Why wouldn't it be?" I said. "Don't worry about me. I'll be just fine. Be home soon! Love you." I hung up.

As I drove home, I was thinking about what me and Ellie were going to do all weekend.

"Mom I'm home!" I yelled. I put my keys on the counter and took my shoes off.

"In my room honey!" She yelled back. "I'm just packing some clothes for our trip. How was work??"

"I had a lot of fun! My manager is really nice. And I met this super nice lady who had a really cool British accent." I explained.

"That's amazing sweetie! I'm so glad you had fun." She said. "We are leaving tonight, so you might want to get packing too."

"Ok thanks mom!" I yelled. I went to my room and started packing. Shirts, pants, sweats, pjs, and all the stuff we needed for a good girls night.

Later that evening, we all sat in the living room waiting for mom to finally finish packing.

"Okay! I am finally ready. Thanks for waiting."

"It only took 5 hours so that was plenty of time for us to go to the moon and back." Carter said. Mom just rolled her eyes. We all grabbed our suitcases and went into the garage. I put my suitcase in my car, Katie put hers in her car, and the other three put theirs in the van. We did a big group hug, and then everyone was off. Katie left first. She pulled out of the garage and turned left. Then the parents and Carter left. They pulled out of the garage and turned right. I pulled out of the garage and went straight. Ellie lives just down the street. I pulled into her driveway and got out of the car. I grabbed my suitcase and went into the house.

"The party has arrived!" I yelled when I got inside.

"Y/n!!" Ellie's little brother Jake yelled. He came running and jumped into my arms.

"Hey, Cheeto! I missed you." I set him down. I call him Cheeto because his hair is bright orange. So he is a Cheeto, just not as delicious. He ran down the hall.

"Guys, y/n is here!!" He yelled. Ellie came running down the hall.

"Ahhhhh!" She squealed.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" I squealed even louder. We like to have screaming competitions sometimes. Her parents came down the hall next.

"Hi y/n! So glad you could come on this trip with us." Her mom said. She gave me a hug. "Hey y/n. Good to see you." Her dad said. He gave me knuckles.

"Trip? I thought we were just hanging here for the weekend." I said.

"Nope! We are going to our cabin with some of our cousins!" Jake said.

"Oh sick. Well, I'm down." I said.

"Good! Because we are leaving in 5 minutes. And me and you are driving separately so we can jam out and talk about all the tea." Ellie said grinning so big.

"Deal." I grabbed my suitcase while she grabbed hers, and we put them in the car. It was only a 2 hour drive to their cabin so we didn't make any stops. We jammed out to some one direction, abba, and imagine dragons. When we got there, I saw one other car.

"Looks like your cousins beat us here." I said. I opened the trunk and got our suitcases out. Ellie took hers and I took mine. She led us into the house and upstairs to our room. It was a cute room with two beds. One on the left, one on the right. Then there was a big wardrobe in the middle.

"I get the right one!" Ellie yelled. She jumped on it and sighed. I laughed. I put my suitcase by the left bed and laid down too.

"Ellie, your mom just got here and she wants help unloading the food." I heard a boy with a British accent say.

"Harry!!" Ellie yelled. "Wow you got old, dude! Oh, Harry, this is my friend y/n. Y/n, this is my cousin Harry."

I looked up and was met with the eyes of the boy who winked at me at the store.

"You!" I said.

He looked just as shocked as I felt.

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