Chapter 16

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When I got home, I ran upstairs to my room. I could hear my mom calling my name.

"Y/N? Y/N?" She knocked on my door. "Honey, can I come in?"

"If you must." I said. I heard her open the door and felt her sit on my bed.

"Honey, Ellie's mom only told me some of the story, but can I hear it from your perspective?" She asked. With those words, I broke down. Tears were constantly shed, and I told her everything that went down. From him winking at work, to our first kiss, to the many kisses, to the post, and now here we are. She sat silent through it all and looked compassionate where appropriate.

"Wow. That's a heck of a story, Y/N." She said.

"I know, mom. I know."

"And you didn't want to give him a chance?" She asked.

"Mom, we live in different countries. How was it ever going to work?"

"Well honey, love finds a way. It always does!" She said.

We talked for a bit longer and then she went downstairs. I stayed in my room for most of the day except for dinner. When I went down, Carter and Katie were sitting at the table with my parents eating dinner.

"Hey sugar! How was the trip?" Katie asked. Carter nudged her under the table and muttered something to her. "Umm, nevermind." She said.

"No, no. It's fine. It was actually really fun. We went to the beach, a carnival, and played lots of games. I'm glad I went." I told them. They all kind of looked at each other.

"I'm glad you had a good time, then." Carter said.

"How was y'all's trips?" I asked. They told me all about theirs and how they were so much fun. Carter had just gone to move a few things into her dorm, so she's back for the summer. And Katie had a fun time with her friends, and she actually looking for apartments around here. How fun would that be?

"Are you working tomorrow, Y/N?" My mom asked.

"No I don't think so." I checked my phone anyway. They had a last minute case of the flu so I was stuck working tomorrow. "Nevermind. I am."

"Well, we'll just be here so don't worry about keeping us company." My mom said. I nodded and went back to my dinner.

I texted Ellie goodnight that night and went to bed. Boy had it been a day.

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