Chapter 14

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"It isn't what it looks like??" I yelled

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"It isn't what it looks like??" I yelled. "Harry, she posted this just this morning! What am I supposed to think? That I'm just a fling for the week?"

"Y/N, of course not! I would never do that to you!" He said. "Just let me explain."

"Fine. You have 5 minutes and then I get the big guns out." I said. I laid in the hammock and closed my eyes.

"She was my girlfriend. We'd been together for a long time, but just before this trip I broke it off with her. She never liked to tell people that we were together, so I told her I had had enough, and unless she told people we were dating, we were over. I guess she took that seriously, hence the post." He said. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Look Harry. I think we both know that this wasn't going to last beyond this week, so let's save us each the heartbreak and split right now." I said.

"Wait, What? Y/N, I dont wanna break up with you. I wasn't going to!" He said.

"Harry. Stop. It was inevitable. And I wasn't going to tell you this, but Ellie's family is leaving today because her dad got called back for work." I said. I was trying really hard not to break down into tears in front of him. He grabbed my hand.

"Y/N, I'm not giving up on you. We can make this work!"

"Just forget it Harry. This," I motioned to the 2 of us, "is over." He sat there in shock. I pried my hand out of his and walked away.

"Y/N?" Ellie asked when I walked in the door.

"Ready to go when you are." I said with tears brewing in my eyes.

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