Chapter 8

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The next morning I woke up with Ellie jumping on her bed with her headphones in. She was lip syncing to a song that I don't think I knew.

"Ellie!" I yelled. "Ellie! ELLIE!" I waved my hands at her, and she finally noticed me. She took a headphone out and got on the floor.

"Good morning sleepy head! How was the rest of the movie last night?" She asked. I quickly remember the events that happened last night, including kissing Harry.

"Oh it was good. The same as always." I nervously laughed. I could tell that I was blushing, too. She looked at me with a curious look.

"Y/N, what movie did we watch last night?" She asked.

"Napoleon dynamite."

"No I mean after that." She said. Oh no. I couldn't remember. How could I not remember?! All I remembered was kissing Harry.

"Y/N! What happened after I went to bed?!" Ellie asked.

"Look, I'll tell you eventually, I'm just not ready yet, okay?" I asked. She nodded and we went downstairs. When we got there, it was pure chaos. People everywhere, food splatter all over the kitchen, and some weird noises coming from who knows where. I walked over to the counter to grab a bagel and an apple.

"Good morning Y/N," Harry said as he walked by me. He winked and sat down on the couch. I could feel my cheeks suddenly burn up. I looked at Ellie and she was staring at me with a purpose. Who knows what goes through that girls head.

"Ok y'all, me and Ellie are taking people to the movies today so be ready in 15 minutes if your planning to come." I yelled. I looked at Harry and he was smirking at me. I walked up the stairs to grab my socks and shoes from my room. I sat on the top stair while putting them on. I heard someone walking up the stairs and as I looked up I saw Harry.

"So," he said. "How are we gonna play this?" He eyed me with curiosity.

"We can play this however we want to." I said. He leaned down as I leaned up. I grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to me, then kissing him happily. I couldn't believe that this was happening. It was only our 3rd day for crying out loud. He sighed as we kissed only making me melt into him more. I heard the front door open and people going out to the car, so I pulled back and stared into his eyes. He glared at me and leaned in again. I quickly pecked him on the lips and jumped up.

"Let's be on our way kind sir," I said smiling. I put my hand out for him to grab and we went down the stairs. Before anyone could see, we let go of each other's hands.

"You're killing me Y/N." I heard him whisper.

"That's the point, Harry." I smirked and walked out the door.

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