Stood up | Shinso X Reader

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First person
Y/N perspective

I was walking to my dorm, watching my phone as I was waiting for Shinso to reply to me. We were both best friends- Well, I act like we both agreed on it.
I just kind of asked if he wanted to be friends until he said yes- he likes to be alone a lot but Present Mic said I should try to be his friend, so I did.

I was meant to be meeting a date at the park but they never showed up...
I ended up just leaving after an hour or so because I was upset. I walked back, tears streaming down my face, waiting for him to reply with an "it's okay" after I had said "I got stood up".

The ticks at the side changed to blue.

Y/N's mind: He's seen it...

I entered my dorm and closed the door, putting my phone down and getting changed into something more comfortable- Something I wasn't trying to impress someone in.

I heard a knock at my door after I had changed and I answered it.

Y/N: Shinso...?

He walked in without saying a word and turned around, looking at me.

Shinso: I saw your text.

I closed the door.

Y/N: I know... Why are you here?

Shinso: To make you feel better.

Y/N: I'm fine...

I mustn't have noticed the few stray tears still rolling down my cheeks, because Shinso had cupped my face in his hands hesitantly to wipe them away.

Shinso: Look, Y/N. Listen because I'm not saying it twice.

I nodded, holding his arms gently.

Shinso: I'm not having some self-centred pretty boy come over into your life, ask you on a date then purposely stand you up. You're worth more than someone like that.

I was taken aback by his words- did he really mean all of that?...

Shinso: You're amazing in every way, you're [beautiful/handsome/etc] and whether you want to believe it or not, you deserve better.

I gulped, nodding.
He took my hand in his and intertwines our fingers.

He looked at me.

Shinso: You're my...

He looked away.

Shinso: ..Friend. I'm not letting someone treat you like that. Know your worth and get your standards right.

He tilted my head down/up and looked into my eyes.

Shinso: Do I make myself clear?

I nodded.

Shinso: Word, Y/N.

Y/N: Y-yes.

I stuttered.

Y/N: Thank you,... Shinso.

Shinso smiled.

Shinso: Would you like to go sit on the couch/sofa and watch TV? Just to take your mind off it, it's not like I want to.

His voice got quieter as he went on with the sentence, leaving the last part unheard.

I nodded and we sat on the couch, side by side, no space between us.

I could feel him next to me and I oh so very badly wanted to hug him... But I didn't know if he'd want that...

I looked at him. He must've felt my stare because he looked at me and took my hand in his.

He intertwined our fingers together once more and pulled me closer to him.

I was leaning on him but I still wanted to be in his hold completely.

Y/N: Shinso...

Shinso: Mhm?

He responded quietly.

Y/N: Could we- Nevermind it's embarrassing.

Shinso: It can't be as embarrassing as this TV show like jeez, this is a terrible show. Who would direct this??

I giggle and he looks at me confused.

Y/N: Even when you do that, I still love you.

I realised what I said and slapped a hand over my mouth to stop anything else from coming out.

Shinso: Y/N?-

I shake my head.

Shinso: C'mon, talk to me.

He smiles.

Y/N: Yeah...?

Phew... I was still in control of my body.

Shinso: I'm not going to control you, but what did you say?

I looked at him.

I don't want to be controlled... Ugh. I hate this guy sometimes- But it's something good about him I guess. We all have our good and bad qualities.

Y/N: Um... I love you?

I nervously laugh.

Shinso: I love you too.

Y/N: What?-

He pulled me in and softly kissed my lips.

He repeated himself.

Shinso: I love you too.

I blushed, I could feel the heat on my cheeks.

Y/N: R-really?...

He nodded, wrapping his arms around me and laying me on his chest after he had laid down on his back.

Y/N: Are we a thing now?...

Shinso: Yeah. Sure

He yawned.

Y/N: So uh what do we do no-

He cut me off.

Shinso: Shh... Sleep.

He closed his eyes.

Wait- What?- He sleeps?-

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