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You yawn from the lack of sleep you had gotten the night before. It was morning and Mina and the girls had you and everyone else awake for Spin The Bottle. You just sit there and end up stumbling back although you were sitting down. you lie on your back looking up.

You: I'm too tired to deal with you people.

Mina: Well that sucks because a certain someone just spun the bottle and it landed on you~

you instantly shot up to see tamaki blushing and standing in front of you. you look up into his eyes and he holds a hand out to you.

tamaki: l-lets get this o-over with and t-then you can s-sleep...

you blush at his stuttering, you thought it was pretty cute. you take his hand and he helps you get up. he intertwines his fingers with yours and rushes you to the closet.

once in the closet, mina locks the door and giggles.

you: so... tamaki, what do you wanna d-

your eyes widen as you feel an unfamiliar warmth on your lips, it was tamaki. he kissed you softly and you closed your eyes, eventually kissing back.

tamaki: I-im sorry!-

he pulls away quickly and covers his face with his hands, blushing. you liked the confident side of him.

you: its okay tamaki, dont worry about it.

tamaki: r-really..?

he slowly moves his hands away from his face and tilts his head to look at you like a puppy, a confused look plastered on his face.
you nod at him and quickly kiss his cheek, he blushes and freezes up, not knowing what to do.

you: I like your confident side tamaki, you should show it more, although, your shy side is adorable.

you smile at him and he blushes even more, he pulls you onto his lap and hugs you. you chuckle and hug him back.

tamaki: can we... kiss again?

he starts getting nervous right after he said that until you grab his face and pull him closer to yours, smirking.

you: of course, tamaki.

he softly puts his lips on yours once again and you run your fingers through his soft hair, he blushes at this but doesnt pull away, he pulls you closer.
you pull away for air and he pouts.

you: yeah I need to breathe too ya know-

before you could laugh at the end, he pulls you back again. you hear the door open but tamaki doesnt hear it and puts his hands on your waist.

mina: so~ im guessing you did more than just talking.

tamaki almost jumps out of his skin and stands up to face the wall. I stand up along with him and look at mina.

you: I mean... yeah.

you nervously scratch the back of your neck, laughing nervously.

tamaki mumbled something under his breath that was barely audible to mina but you heard every word.

tamaki: I wish I could do it again...

you blush and say:

you: yeah, im not really feeling good, Im really dizzy, tamaki please could you look after me in my dorm?

tamaki looks shocked and blushes, turning around.

tamaki: s-sure...

mina walks away to the rest and you and tamaki walk out into the hallway.

as you're walking to your dorm, tamaki keeps reaching for your hand but backs out when they almost touch. you just grab his hand and intertwine your fingers before he could back out again. you smile when he jumps from surprise and giggle.

tamaki: um... Y/N?

you: hm?

tamaki: I uh, I really like you...

you: oh! I really like you too.

you smile at him.

tamaki: not like that I me-

you cut him off by wrapping your arms around his neck at your dorm door, planting a kiss on his cheek.

you: obviously you didn't get what I meant.

you both go inside and the rest is up to you to imagine.. 👀

Seven Minutes In Heaven / Oneshots MHAWhere stories live. Discover now