Kirishima x Quirkless!Reader

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Quick Author Note:
I'm sorry your comments are fricking hilarious, everytime I get a notification Im literally sobbing bc im laughing so hard 😭

First Person

Hey, I'm Y/N. I'm quirkless and it's a massive disadvantage- though, it means I don't have to learn how to use a quirk so that's a bit easier.

I currently go to a high school with a lot of other students with quirks- there's actually only a few of us who are quirkless. Unfortunately, this means that I'm an easy target for other students to bully. - And villains have no problem getting rid of me.

I mean, I haven't been attacked by a villain yet, but I've seen other quirkless people get attacked. I just hope it never happens.

I'm sitting in my math class and waiting for it to end. It's only been like 15 minutes but it's already irritating.
I was about to write down an equation when I heard a loud blast and alarms set off.

Everyone sat stiff in their seats, along with myself.
We heard someone scream in pain and immediately hid under our desks. The teacher locked the door- like that would do anything against a villain.

We waited for what felt like forever until we heard an announcement on the speakers.

Villain: Ahem! Announcement! Can all students and teachers come to the main hall. You must come to the main hall or you will be eliminated.

The speaker went off and everyone in my class ran to get to the hall so they wouldn't be eliminated.
If the villains are focused on everyone else in the hall, I can just make a run for it right?- They should value students with quirks rather than me-

I looked out the door, both ways down the hallways and made a run for the bottom floor. I ran down the hall, trying to make my footsteps quiet but that didn't work very well.

Behind me I heard someone yell after me.

?: Hey! Stop!

I kept running and leapt down the stairs, missing 2-3 at a time and ran straight into a villain.

Villain: Hey- You should be in the hall!

He looked angry and followed me as I slowly backed away. I ran around the halls again, running out of stamina by now. The adrenaline kept pumping through my veins, but at a slower pace now.

I took shallow, quick breaths as I keep running.
My legs start to ache.
And the breaths feel like there's no oxygen to breathe in.
I eventually stop.

Is this my fate?

Just as the villain was about to use his quirk on me, I felt arms wrap around me.
The roof started to fall, the walls crumbled and everything was just falling apart.

I started to tear up and tried to get out of the arms that were holding me.

I couldn't get out of them, so out of fear of the situation around me, I leant into them more, held them a bit tighter and sobbed harder.

I heard yelling and screams. I tried to block them out but I couldn't. The arms around me let go for a quick second to cover my ears. I held their wrists, sobbing still.

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