"I Think I can Love You" - Tamaki x Reader

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You walked down the halls of UA, looking everywhere for your class.
You were in class 1-A but you had no clue where it was.

Y/N: Ugh... I can't find it...

You pace along the halls, breathing in and out deeply as you try to calm your nerves. You were a transfer student and only knew a few people so far so meeting the rest would be kind of nerve-wrecking.
You hear a familiar voice behind you.

?: H-hey... Y/N? I can he-help you get to class...

You look over your shoulder to see Tamaki.

Y/N: Oh! Tamaki! Hello, it would be lovely, thanks.

You walk towards him and stand in front of him, waiting for him to help you get there.

Tamaki: Ok, le-let's go..

He starts walking towards Class 1-A with you.

Y/N: Thank you Tamaki!

You go to open the door before Tamaki gently grabs your hand.

Tamaki: I'm going to b-be helping Mirio with this class today...

He looks down at the floor.

Y/N: Cool! I get to see you more!

You swing open the door and enter.

Mr Aizawa: Hello, you must be Y/N?

Y/N: Yes, hello sir.

You stand at the front.

Y/N: Hey everyone, I'm Y/N. Tamaki is one of my friends from my childhood, so I'll probably be around him the most.

You smile at Tamaki and he hides his face.

You stand next to Tamaki while Mr Aizawa speaks since there are no remaining chairs for you (how rude smh).

You suddenly feel someone nudging your hand. It was Tamaki.

You look slightly his way and gave him a look that said "what?".

Tamaki whispered: C-can I hold you hand..?

You nod and wait for him to grab your hand. He gently reaches out and intertwines your fingers and you look at him lovingly. What a good friend, right?

Well... you liked him more than that. But let's not get into that right now...

You both went to training and Mirio decided he'd let everyone try to attack him. It was everyone against him so everyone was told to be careful considering the amount of space you had.

You decide to just run into the crowd and try to get to Mirio- you wanted to impress your new class with your skills... But it didn't work.

You got hit by one of Bakugo's explosions and he sent you flying away, unconscious.

Tamaki holds his arms out and catches you, holding you close to him.


Iida nodded and ran out fo the room.

Mirio: Oh my- I'm so sorry!

Tamaki: I-it's not your fault.

Nejire: When Iida comes back the nurse will probably need you to carry them to her office. Can you do that?

Tamaki nodded, then looked down at you, concerned.


You woke up in someones arms on a bed.

Opening your eyes fully, you realise you're in the nurse's office.

You turn your head and see Tamaki sleeping, his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you. You nudge him awake.

Y/N: Tamaki...

You whisper.

Y/N: Tamaki!

You whisper-shout, waking him up.

Tamaki: O-oh...

Tamaki: I'm sorry I was j-just waking for you to wake up...

You giggle.

Y/N: It's fine, don't worry about it, we're friends. Right?

Tamaki: Sure... Friends...

He looks upset but still has his arms around you.

Y/N: What's up?

Tamaki: C-can we go to the fields..

He looks away from you but you accept and you both walk out into the school fields.

Tamaki: I was w-worried.

Y/N: Why?

Tamaki: Incase y-you didn't wake up...

He bites his lip and looks at the grass below him, tearing up a bit.

You turn to him and hold his cheek in your palm.

Y/N: Tamaki- You can't get rid of me that easily...

You smile a bit but he can tell you were grateful.

Tamaki: I'm sorry... Incase I made you uncomfortable by sitting with y-you...

Y/N: It's fine, I didn't mind.

Tamaki: That's good. I'd hate it if it did.

You smile. This was all you ever wanted. A nice talk with a respectful person. That was hard to get nowadays but you were glad you got it eventually.

He takes your hand in his.

Tamaki: What do you think of me?...

Y/N: I think you're amazing.

Tamaki: D-don't sugarcoat it.

Y/N: But I'm not.

You look at him, a serious expression masking your face.

Y/N: Look Tamaki I like you, a lot. And I can't express it properly but I hope this is enough- I love you.

Tamaki: I... I think I can love you.

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