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You and the rest of class 1-A sat in a huge circle with a bottle in the middle. Mina looked at you, excited.
Mina: "Spin the bottle Y/N!" She said with a huge grin on her face.
Momo leaned close to you, whispering in your ear: "Maybe you'll get Deku."
She smiled and patted you on the back.
You had had a MASSIVE crush on Deku since you two started at UA, you admired his determination and his whole personality. Not to mention he was cute as hell.
You got up and spun the bottle hard.
Everyone was excited to see who you got. You looked at the ground, nervously picking at your nails. You weren't really outgoing and had trouble talking to people easily, the only people you could actually talk to normally were the girls.
Mina gasped, poking you: "Look who you got Y/N!!" she said, jumping around in excitement.
You look slowly at the bottle and see it's pointing directly opposite of you. You look up more and see a wide grin on Deku's face.
Deku: "Wow! I'm so lucky, right?" He said to you, getting up and walking in your direction.
Uraraka: "Yup! Y/N is amazing, am I right?"
Bakugo: "Tch whatever."
Uraraka: "I wasn't talking to YOU boom boom boy!"
Bakugo: "YOU WANNA GO?!"
Deku ignored the drama and came over to you, lifting you up onto your feet gently.
Deku: "We should go into the closet now... it seems a bit... "dangerous" out here with *him*" he gestures towards Bakugo, smiling.
You giggle, you always admired his humour and the way he smiles brighter then the sun.
Deku drags you off to the closet and closes the door.
Mina sneaks behind you two and locks the closet door, keeping you both trapped inside with barely any light.
Y/N: "MINA!!" You shout, surprising Deku.
Deku: "You actually talk...?" he asked, holding your arm, tugging it gently so you'd face him.
You sit down and sigh.
Y/N: "Yes, I'm just... awkward around people, I guess?" you say, messing with your sleeve.
Deku smiles even though you can't see it and whispers, thinking you can't hear him.
Deku: "Your voice is so soft and beautiful..."
Y/N: "Huh?" you say, shocked that he thought that about you.
Deku: "Oh uh, nothing." He quickly laughs and pats your head.
Y/N: "So what do we do in here?" You ask, you weren't much of a party person so you had no idea what to do.
Deku: "Well uh... Can I just show you?" he asks, you can hear in his voice that he's nervous.
Y/N: "Sure, it will probably help a bit more." you giggle.
You can feel him move around as he gets closer to you in the small space you two have. Soon, he's sitting right in front of you, centimetres apart, one hand lifting your chin up to face him and one wrapped around your waist. You're struck by utter surprise and just sit there with your eyes wide open and blush spread across your face.
Deku: "Are you okay with this..?" he asks, he's always been respectful to people and you loved it, you didn't like people who went up to anyone they saw and started grabbing them by their waist and crap like that.
You nod in reply, breathing silently and your heart racing.
Deku gets even closer to your face and you can feel his warm breath on your lips, you were freezing cold so it was like during winter when you get cozy next to the fireplace in your favourite pjs with hot cocoa
Deku kisses you gently, not letting go of you. You unintentionally run your fingers through the back of his hair as he backs away for a moment. His warmth lingers on your lips before soon fading away. He still holds you by your waist and just stares into your eyes, getting lost.
Deku: "I- Uhm... So what now...?" he asks, letting go of you slowly.
Y/N: "I don't know but I think they forgot about us being in here, we might aswell just sleep here."
You say as you back up into a tight corner, laying down on the hard wood.
Deku crawls up to you, taking his hoodie off and handing it to you.
Deku: "I don't want you to be cold, what kind of hero would i be if I didn't help others?" he asked, laughing a bit.
You take the hoodie and put it on, it smelt like gingerbread.
Deku: "Do you wanna sit with me?" he asked you, gesturing towards the space in front of him, "I can put hairstyles in your hair if you'd like."
He smiled nervously and was surprised when you agreed.
You sat in front of him, breathing in his scent from the hoodie he gave you.
Deku: "I see you like my hoodie, you can keep it if you want!" he blushes and pats your head.
You wanted to turn around and kiss him again but you were nervous.
Y/N: "Deku... About that kiss... Did it mean anything to you?" you ask, quietly hoping he just won't hear and continue playing with your hair.
Deku: "Uhhh... Do you want it to mean something to me...?"he asks.
Y/N: "Just, please... tell me."
Deku sighs: "I hope this doesn't affect our friendship if you don't feel the same way, but yes. it meant a lot to me, i really, really like you Y/N..."
You start to cry out of happiness, your crush actually liked you back!
Deku hears you crying and turns you around, pulling you on top of him for a hug: "Why are you crying?" he asks in a soft, quiet voice."
Y/N: "I like you too..." You smile and whisper in his ear.
He hugs you tighter, kissing your forehead.
You snuggle up to him and run your fingers through his hair again.
Deku: "I guess we're dating now, huh, puppy?" he grins.

Seven Minutes In Heaven / Oneshots MHAWhere stories live. Discover now