Deku x Quirkless Reader (Request)

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(Sorry this took so long I wanted to be fully creative with it so it would be great for you all ^^)


I was walking along the street on a usual Saturday morning. Nothing interesting, trust me. I just have to go pick up some flowers for my brother. He wants to give them to his partner and cant get them himself. Atleast he told me which flowers to get and gave me his money to get them, though. Now it's not like Im buying them by myself, I guess? I hope his partner likes them, they're really nice flowers.

I kept walking and saw the flower shop.

Y/N: Finally... My feet are killing me.

I walked inside and saw the shop keeper talking to a teenage boy, he had green, messy hair that looked unbrushed.

I looked at him for a bit too long, I know this because he turned around and looked at me.

?: Uh... Hi... I'm sorry am I bothering you?- I can move!-

Y/N: Hold up- Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare you're just- Um..

He scratched the back of his head.

?: I know, I know. Kacchan said I had to go get flowers for the school gates... I didn't want to but he woke me up without warning and forced me out the door.

He looked down at himself. He was wearing jogging bottoms, a white shirt and a zip-up jacket.

?: I don't look the best right now, but I can if I have time...

He laughed nervously for a bit.

?: I'm Deku, by the way, well, that's what Kacchan calls me anyway.

He smiled and held a hand out to me. I shook it and returned the smile.

Y/N: I'm Y/N, I just came for flowers for my brother's partner.

Deku: How nice! What type?

Y/N: He wanted Lillies.

Deku: Lovely choice of his...

He looked at the ground and kicked a stray piece of dirt.

Deku: What... What are your favourite flowers, Y/N?

Y/N: Oh! I really like [favourite flowers]!

I smiled at him and he gasped.

Deku: Really? They're my favourites too!

I grinned.

Y/N: Lovely! You know, Deku, we should be friends!

He nodded.

Deku: Could I have your phone? Just to put my number in...

Y/N: Sure! I'll message you.

He put his number in my phone, I messaged him and we both had eachother's numbers. I bought my brother's Lillies and we bid farewell, for now.

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